The Curious Case of Miss Kristen Wyland

600 51 4

29 October 2016

It was very rare for Lamar to be seen on this side of town. It was even more rare to see him in this kind of bar. One where everyone wore a suit; where the ties were loosened just enough to show how tough everybody's day at work was; where conversation was intelligent but mind-numbingly boring.

Yes Lamar Jackson wasn't the kind of fellow to play in political circles. He was here for work you see. Come Monday he'd submit his first written list-acle piece for TMZ. The Top Ten Places to be Spotted in, in DC.

It had been a week since the story came out. He was a paid writer now with another million dollar story up his sleeve. They thought a sex tape was big oh wait til they saw the big picture. Once he released the rest they'd be clamouring at his feet. 'Such phenomenal writing', 'true investigative journalism', 'David taking on Goliath' they'd say.

So there he was, alone at a bar filled with boring men trying to impress boring women so they could live a boring life with their boring kids.

It wasn't the bar. The bar was great. He was going to give it a four out of five. It's main entrance was guarded by two-black thin doorway where only one person could enter at a time. Natural sunlight, when you came at the right time, would pour beautifully into the open floor plan. Booths lined along the walls provided privacy without alienation for the power player that would eat there.

It wasn't the bar. The patrons just had no soul. He wished someone exciting would arrive. Maybe a celebrity or something.

It wasn't until Adonis himself walked in that Lamar knew wishes really do come true. Tall, dark and handsome made him lose his breath. Lamar couldn't believe his luck when there from across the room, he had been spotted - like prey.

Smooth with dimples on one side, Adonis glided towards the bar in a tailored, hickory coloured, trench coat. Definitely Burberry.

The only one not in a suit.

A black turtle neck flush against the body showed all the ways he could dominate Lamar. Yes, excitement had finally found him.

They'd exchanged eye contact; they'd exchanged words; they'd exchanged addresses and bodily pleasures.

And just before his eyes closed, the sting of a needle hot on his neck, Lamar remembered an old adage.

Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true.

A Dangerous Affair: secrets (Lesbian Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon