Softened Prince

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Bone chilling air warped its way around the Z fighters as they watched snow fall down. It was a picture perfect view, though not all of the warriors that were there was content enough to enjoy it in peace.

"It's freezing out here!" The prince scowled, tightening his burly coat. A chill ran up his spine, him internally groaning at the temperature. Whoever thought that below fifty degrees weather was weather to frolic in, they were crazy.

"I told you to wear extra layers but you didn't listen." Goku shurgged, watching with a smile while his friends prepared themselves for an all out snowball fight.

"You know what would be better? If you hadn't insisted that we come."

"Well, we are here. So it'd be wise of you to chill out." The shorter rolled his eyes, crossing his arms tighter. "And if I don't?" He muttered, quiet enough that he thought Goku didn't hear him.

But he did.

"Oh? If you don't, I'm not going to talk to you for the rest of the day. Now are you gonna chill?" The prince chewed on his lip but said nothing further.

Goku didn't pay it any mind, joining his friends in the snowball frenzy. About twenty minutes flew by and Vegeta watched as his mate and his friends engaged in the throwing of snowballs. After a while Goku stuck his hands in his coat pocket, just watching his friends enjoy themselves.

Vegeta's anger was close to nonexisistent now, replaced with his need to be close to Goku.

Gods, he's serious. He really isn't speaking to me. He's not even looking at me.

Awkwardly shuffling through thick masses of snow, he walked straight up to his mate and wrapped his arms around him, burying his red nose in Goku's back.

The low class humphed, smirking. "You done with your attitude now?" Vegeta quavered, not from the cold this time, clutching tighter to Goku.

The only person that could make him melt.

"... Yes."

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