Dancing In The Dark

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The wind blew softly among the grass and the prince's blue hair blew along with it. He was so effortlessly beautiful.

A full moon shined on and there was still something I wanted to do before we left Krillin and the others at this party for Tien.

Well really it was for Chiaotzu. He had finally grew another string of hair on top of his head! The music playing in the background got louder and I suddenly realized this is his favorite song.

"No." Vegeta spoke up, staring daggers at me. Damn, how does he do that?

I stared back at him.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask." Krillin laughed at me but I was being serious. Now back to Vegeta. He had never danced a day in his life. I was going to change that.

"What did I just say?" He scowled. Damned bond. "I'm not giving you a choice." I barked back.

"No bickering please." Tien stated, cradling Chiaotzu. Vegeta rolled his eyes but I'm not letting up on this.

"My arm's getting tired." He groaned with annoyance as he slowly realized that I wasn't going away. He slapped his hand in mine and I pulled him up with the biggest of grins.

"Make this quick, baka." I smirked, pulling him into me. "Oh hush." He tried to hide a smile but I saw it. He buried his face in my chest, I sighed in content.

"You're always trying to fight me. It's nice when you just give in to me. Besides, it's your favorite song." He finally smiled all out.

"It is. I would sing along but... you know."

"No I don't. Tell me." He pulled away and I spin him around, leading him back to me. My hands rested on his hips like they were made to stay there. "I can't sing, duh." He laughed that raspy laugh. Did he just duh me? I had to laugh at that myself.

"So what? Belt it out." I dipped him and I can see that he wanted to slap me for doing it. I laughed again. His face twisted up but he laughed along with me before long.

He swiftly turned his back to me, his head fell back. And just when I thought that he wasn't going to sing, he opened his mouth and began to sing softly...

"I don't want a friend.
I want my life in two.
Waiting to get there.
Waiting for you."

Wow... He literally shocked me. And he said he couldn't sing. What lies. As he was singing, his body was just swaying by itself.

His confidence was through the roof, I could tell. He was guiding my hands along his waist and thighs. And then he turned around with his arms around my neck tightly and kept singing... Like he was singing into my soul.

"When I'm around slow dancing in the dark,
Don't follow me you'll end up in my arms.
You've made up your mind.
I don't need no more signs.
Can you-?
Can you-?
Give me reasons we should be complete?
You should be with him I can't compete.
You looked at me like I was someone else.
Oh well.
Can't you see?
I don't wanna slow dance.
In the dark.

It would be extremely disrespectful to take him at a party, right?


"You breakin' up with me, prince?" I smirked when the song ended. "Don't be stupid. Who else could handle you?" My fingers tilted his chin up.

"I think you mean who could handle you?"

He started to speak but I just placed my lips over his, making him deepen it with his arms around my neck. He moaned at a low audible sound that physically made me weak.

In my head I was thinking, would it really be that bad if I fucked him here? Like would it really?

"Don't even think about it."

"AHEM." I broke away from a blushing Vegeta. "Dude, c'mon now. Get a room." Tien scowled. "Hehe.. Sorry Tien. We'll be leaving now. Chiaotzu, I'm so happy for you. See you next time!"

"Goku wait-!" Krillin yelled but I instant transmissioned out of there, back home.

"We didn't have to leave." The red on his cheeks hadn't gone anywhere.

"Yes we did. You told me not to take you at the party, to not even think about it. So now-" I gripped his throat and mashed my lips to his, releasing with a loud sticky sound. "I'm thinking about it. Did I ever tell you that you have a beautiful singing voice? Don't ever talk bad about it again."

"I'll think about it." He joked but my eyes went dark. "Oh? We'll see, prince. I apologize in advance."

"Apologize? Apologize for what?"

"Because I'm about to ruin your sweet little voice." He trembled and I smiled wickedly. Oh, what a night it will be.

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