Happy Birthday(18+)

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Caution! If you aren't 18 or over stop right here. I got into trouble and even had my books deleted for a short period of time because someone reported it.

Looking at myself in the mirror, the frilly outfit seems a little tight.

But then again, he likes tight. It's exposed at the back as well.

I put my black studded collar around my neck and clasp it. I feel complete now.

"Baby, are you here?" A shiver runs through me at the sound of his voice. "Yeah, I'm in the bedroom." Taking another look at myself, my chest tightens.

Just breathe, Vegeta. You look fine.

Correction, you look hot. And he's going to think so too. His feet shuffle around on the carpet. "Hey I thought you said you were in here."

"And I am. The bathroom is still apart of the bedroom." He groans, impatient.

"C'monnn, everyone's waiting at Kame house."

"I'm coming out. Give me a second, love." I slowly turn the handle, hoping I don't trip over my own feet. "Babe get a move-..."

He halts on his words when I appear out of the bathroom. His silence lingers and it's making me think this was a bad idea.

"....on. U-um.. wow." And now I know it's not. I can see from here that his mouth has dried up.

But why not tease him a little bit?

"I can change if you don't like it.." I feign nervousness, as I stride towards him and pulling at the lace stockings so that it reveals more of the fleshy skin. "N-no, it's fine." He clears his throat.

"Are you sure?" I nibble on my bottom lip, which I know drives him insane.

"I completely forgot that we were supposed to go over Kame house. I should change so we can go." I turn my back for a split second and he yanks me back, his breath splashing on my cheeks and neck. It makes me even more excited.

"What's wrong? You have to let me go so I can change." I 'attempt' to wriggle out of his iron-like grip with little success.

"Daddy." As soon as the word falls from my lips, his eyes darken. It's not something I use often but when I do, he turns into another person.

"Vegeta." He growls back and I whimper. Too far.

"Yes?" I answer meekly.

"Baby.. My little prince." He breathes through his nose and pinches the bridge of it to calm himself from pouncing on me. I can smell his bloodlust and irritation. I run my fingers over his clothed chest, trying to ease him a little but I think all I'm doing is making it worse.

On my way of stroking his chest down, he grabs my wrists and pins me down to the bed. I gasp, feeling his erect cock through his clothing. "So.. Let me get this straight." He puts his lips in the crook of my neck, kissing it tenderly.

He pulls his head out and stares at me or rather I feel his gaze on me. I'm too flustered to stop my eyes from being downcasted. His fingers skim along the netting of the back of my lace. I shake when he does this.

"You put this sexy ass outfit on, knowing how I get around you when you wear things like that. And because you're dressed like this... I don't think I'll be able to let you out of my sight, much less this room. Then you call me daddy." He pauses briefly with a shake of his head.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

Moaning out loud at his assertive domiance, I force my eyes to meet his. They're not the scarlet red color I usually see when he's in his base form.

Then I realize, he's not in his base form anymore. Feral yellow eyes flicker into mine, I can't pull away.

He slides off of me and smoothly takes his pants and briefs off, staring at me all the while. I've seen all of him countless times but I can't help that I lick my lips at him.

"This-" He smacks my ass hard and I sharply inhale. "is what I'm going to fuck you in. You took so long getting ready for me that I might as well leave you in it, hm? On your knees for me."

It's a lot harder to be still on a bed when you're like that, this I find out. But I manage not to wobble or fall over.

"Open your mouth for Daddy and take it."

I shiver, doing as I am told. He becomes such a wild card when he's in this form.

I wrap my mouth slowly around the precum coated tip before going all the way down. I almost start to gag but then I remember to breathe through my nose, to relax my throat. Hearing shallow breathing from above, I know I'm doing it right.

"Oh prince. That's good, mm. Shit, just like that." I whimper at his words and he groans even louder. A rough hand lands in my hair, pulling and tugging it back. I moan as he starts to thrust into my mouth, coming within moments.

"Good boy, swallow it." He pants and I do, the bitter taste going down my throat.

He chuckles, flipping me onto my stomach. I sink my face into a nearby pillow, red coats my cheeks. No matter how many times we do this, I always get embarrassed. "You know what?" Suddenly, I'm being turned over again. Now I'm on my back.

Oh. This is new.

"I wanna see your face when you come." And with that, he pushes into my pulsing hole with no warning. He groans and I cry out, hiding my face in an arm.

"Didn't you hear me?" He shoves that arm back and I stare at him with hooded eyes. "Don't dare take your eyes away from me." "Karooooo." I moan, unable to say anything else.

"My little naughty prince. What am I going to do with you?" He grunts again, placing a messy kiss on my lips.   "A-anything you want, ah!" He leans over to whisper dirty things in my ear. To tell me I was his and to never forget it. "I-i-i'm close, c-c-" I can't even finish my sentence because his tail wraps around my cock, pumping it.

"Beg me."

"I-p-please." I pull him into me even more and he hits a good spot inside of me with so much force that I shiver. He growls my name in my ear, filling me up to the brim with his seed. I shiver once more. His tail goes even faster and rougher as I follow suit. Panting, he presses a weak kiss to my forehead.

He doesn't even bother to pull out and I don't bother to make him. We're both just full on exhausted. I could make him shower with me later. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too. Shhh. Get some rest." My fingers play in his hair and to this he sighs.

"Happy birthday." I smile at him once he falls asleep.

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