Chapter 5 - When the Party is Over

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I waved goodbye to Blaise and Lucrecia, who didn't seem to even try to stop the fight. I looked at Malfoy and he looked beyond entertained by the act.

Both Fred and George put their hands on my back like they were my personal security. They were slightly pushing forward so that we could get out as soon as possible

We exited through the portrait hole; Fred was first to exit checking if someone was in the hallway. Then he took out his hand for me to take it and then George followed last. I wasn't sure if we were the only Gryffindors at the party but it sure seemed like it. Without making any sound the twins were leading the way, they broke the silence when we entered the passageway I never knew existed.

"Still can't figure out how did Cormac's girl ended up at the Slytherin party?" said Fred.

"Turns out she isn't Cormac's girl anymore," said George.

"I wonder if it was worth to end the relationship for a party..."

"Can we not talk about exes please," I said lazily

"Your wish is my command," said Fred.

"What were two Gryffindor Beaters doing there anyway?"

"Nothing personal," said George.

"Just business" added Fred.

"Yeah, yeah I know your business," remembering the two Slytherin girls who were following the twins throughout the whole party.

"What's that supposed to mean," said Fred almost too dramatically, then grinned, knowing exactly what I mean.

I didn't answer so the three of us continued to walk in silence, each one in their own thoughts. Of course, Fred was right; usually, it's not worth ending a relationship for a party, but that was just an excuse.

We reached the Gryffindor commons and the guys decided they would walk me to my dorm room. When we finally came to the door to my room, my eyes were already closing and I was really tired. I looked up to them to say goodnight.

"Goodnight, lovely," said Fred, tucking my hair behind my ear, and gently touching my cheekbone.

A drunken smile crossed my face.

"Goodnight, dear," said George.


I would have missed breakfast if Katie didn't wake me up.

"Why are you still in bed?" she said after she shook my shoulder and saw me slowly opening my eyes. Everyone else left already. I looked at the time. Ten minutes before breakfast. I jumped and started to put my robes on and searching for books. I thanked Katie for waking me, and then she left the room.

I run downstairs, some people were already leaving the Great Hall. I saw the twins sitting with their brother and sister and they seemed more awake than ever, unlike me. I sat near Katie and began eating, they left soon enough and I was left sitting near Dean Thomas, who was also sitting alone. We started to talk and laughed at each other that everyone else ditched us, and although he tried to seem cheerful I could see something was bothering him.

"Hey, is something wrong? You look worried..."

"Yeah umm... I just broke up with Ginny last night."

"Oh damn, well, welcome to 'Freshly-Single-Social-Club'," I said trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

"Oh, you two? With Cormac, right? I mean the guy was a bit of a scumbag so it's for the best"

I just laughed. We talked for a bit more and when it was time to leave for classes he walked me to my Herbology class. And although making new friends made me forget about the missing sleep hours, the "extremely interesting" theory about Bubotubers surely reminded me of it. I didn't notice how my eyelids became so heavy I couldn't resist closing them anymore.

"Miss Y/l/n, please pay attention, this could come up on your N.E.W.T's," said Professor Sprout.

I opened my eyes instantly, although still feeling as sleepy and tired as ever. I was sitting alone at the desk, and all of a sudden, when Professor Sprout turned to take some Bubotubers for display; one of the Weasley twins took an empty seat beside me.

"Hey," he whispered, "take this," he gave a little bottle with a dark green liquid in it, "it'll help with your hangover and wake you up."

I suspiciously looked at the twin and then the bottle, knowing they were famous pranksters, anything could be in that bottle. However, I was ready to take the risk, if there is any chance this substance could make me feel better. I took the bottle and drank the whole thing like it was a Firewhiskey shot, and although it didn't taste like it, it was still just as disgusting. The liquid magic worked instantly and I felt as if I had a full 8-hour-sleep and a refreshing shower.

"This is truly amazing! What did you get it?" I asked still whispering.

"It's our new invention, we're still working on the taste though."

"Well, either way, thank you, ... Fred?" I said trying to guess which twin was in front of me.

He grinned but didn't say a word. Instead took my quill and parchment and scratched something on it, blocking the view with his other hand so I won't be able to see.

"Hey, now what are you even doing?"

He might've saved my day, but it didn't give him the right to ruin my notes.

"Enjoy your day, beauty." He said and was off to the back of the room.

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