The Boy With His Charming Smile.

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" Why thank you, I'm blushing....."said the the boy with his charming smile. "And you are......."

"Rosalie Swan, what is your name?" I said, a little flustered.

"George, I haven't seen you around,are you new here?"

"Yes, I am, today is actually my first day."

"Ohhhhhh, so you're a freshie," he said.

"No, I'm a junior. I've been homeschooled all my life, so I decided to come here."

Just as I finished saying that the bell rang and all the groups started dispersing to their various classes. Some of George's friends came and started pulling him away.

"Okay, cool. I need to get to get to class. So what's your first period?"

" Room 105. Mrs. Roberts." I replied
" Awesome, same as me...." he managed to say before he was finally tugged into the masses of students.

Hey guys, I'm really sorry I didn't update for two months. Que rotten tomatoes . I'm really sorry and will try harder this time to update everyday. Btw my friend Stephanie has a new book. I can't remember the name because she changed it recently but.... Check out her profile..... Stephhhh11.
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