I Heard Drake Likes His Girls BBW.

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The next few classes fly by and then the bell rings. I rush out of the class as quickly as possible. I really don't want to encounter Amber. Being the klutz that I am I bump into someone. It's Tanya! I feel much more secure as we walk to the cafeteria. My worries about Amber almost vanish. Then I hear the brisk click-clack of heels on the linoleum floor and I already know it's Amber and her minions.

"Hey, it's Roro," she says in a sickly sweet voice. Her minions guffaw like that's the funniest joke they've heard this week.

"Don't call me that!" I say quietly looking down at the floor.

"Who's gonna stop me? You, the pathetic excuse of a girl, or your whale of a bestie?" She asks sneering.

" Don't talk to her like that, you little skank, at least George acknowledges her existence."

Amber's face turns a lovely shade of beet purple then she says "This isn't over, you silly girls!" She stomps away, the sound of her size twelve feet almost making the ground shake. Okay, maybe that was a BIT of an exaggeration.

" Thanks for standing up for me. I'm really sorry about what she said." I say to Tanya.

"It's no problem, anyway, I heard Drake likes his girls BBW." She says with a carefree toss of her long blonde hair.

We erupt into giggles as we finally get to the cafeteria . Tanya and I both get salads and sit down with Lauren, whom was already sitting at our table. I see George with his friends all laughing as usual and then as I'm staring, he

suddenly turns around and he locks eyes with me. I turn my head around so quickly, I wonder why I don't get whiplash. Tanya and Lauren chuckle and we continue with our conversation. I start hearing footsteps, which stop right behind me.

" It's George that's behind me, isn't it" I ask Tanya and Lauren.

They both nod eagerly, probably tongue-tied by George's presence.

" Hey guys," George says.

" Hey yourself." I reply. I'm the only person that replies. Tanya and Lauren shuts nod like their lives depend on it.

There was an awkward silence at the table until the bell rang. Then we all filed out of the cafeteria.

Hey guys, what goes on? It's Nnenna. I'm pretty sure that you didn't expect this update! Its a special present for my readers. You guys, we made it to 700 reads! I almost had an aneurism when I noticed. Thanks so much. My goal is to make it to 1000 by my birthday on July 24th. That would be the BEST thing you could give me.

Don't forget to....







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