Like A Boss.

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I arrive at school smiling and happy, thinking all was well, until I remember that I have Mrs. Roberts as my first period yet again. Then my good mood goes into the trash. I am about to walk into the school building, when I hear yelling. I focus on a large circle of people chanting something. I realise that there is a fight going on. And I do NOT like violence.

Beat him up good!

"Teach 'em a lesson!

"Grind him into smithereens!"

People chant, urging the fight to go on. I push through the crowd of people, mumbling "excuse me". I finally reach the front and see that the there are two huge -looking boys fighting."Stop,"I say, but no one seems to hear me.

"Stop,"I repeat myself, a little louder this time.

In spite of my requests, the fight goes on, and then I get fed up.

"STOP!!! I scream at the top of my lungs, almost deafening my self. Everyone turns to face me. The two boys stop fighting and the crowd goes silent.

'Like a boss' I think to myself smirking.

I walk into the middle of the circle formed by the spectators. I meet the two boy there and start scolding them. "What were you two boys thinking, fighting on the school grounds like this?"What if..."

"Hey girl," one of them says, interrupting me. "I don't know who you think you are, but,"

"Hey,hey, hey, hey,hey. You will let me finish. Now why in the name of the Hebrew's knee bruise where you two fighting?"

"He called my mum hot!"

"That's 'cause it's true!" They lunge at each other again, but I jump between the and stop them from starting the fight all over again.

"First of all, Tweedledee, be thankful that he that thinks your mum is pretty. Would you prefer it if he thought she was ugly?" He looked pretty surprised. I bet he hadn't thought of it that way.

I turn around to attend to the other guy. "And as for you, Tweedledum,you don't just go around telling people their mothers are hot. That's just nasty."I say, quoting Raven Simone, my role model.

With that, I walk into the horizon, never to be seen again...just kidding I'm walking into the school building.

Hey guys! Did ya miss me? I'm back! So pretty short chappie but it's better than nothing.

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