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We then went our separate ways, and I walked into the school building. There was a never -ending flow of teens going through the hallway, and I was being dragged along with them, until I saw Room 105. I shoved my way through and I stopped in front of the door. I took a deep breath and walked in. I saw a middle aged lady sitting behind the teachers table, I assumed that was Mrs. Roberts. I walked up to her and said

"Good morning ma'am."

"Morning." She murmured as I walked past her table.

The classroom was only half full so I took a seat at the front of the class. More students started coming in, George, some of his friends and a particularly mean looking blonde who eyed me while adjusting her glasses.

" That's my seat, newbie." she said in a sneering tone, and suddenly she pushed me off the chair right in front of the class.

"Hoigle" I said just as I fell on my bum and everyone erupted into laughter, save for George and two girls at the back.

For some reason my tummy felt warm, thinking about why George didn't laugh too. That was really weird. I think I might have to go to the nurse. The only seat left empty was at the back with those two girls. I sat there and they smiled at me and I smiled back.

Then, out off nowhere, Mrs. Roberts remembered she had a class. She stood up from her chair and smoothened out her skirt.

"Good morning everyone." She said.

"Good morning Mrs. Roberts." we all replied.

" We have a new student in class today," she said looking at me " Let's give her a warm welcome."

I stood and introduced myself.

" Hello, my name is Rosalie Swan."

Everyone looked pretty okay with me except for the sneer girl. I sat back down and the class began.




Guess who's back back back.
Back again again again.
Nnenna's back back back.
Tell all your friends friends friends!

Hi guys! It's Nnenna again, here with a fresh new chapter of RGTH. I'm trying my best to update everyday, or even twice a day if I can. Guys thanks for bearing with me, but I don't know what you guys think of the story unless you COMMENT. I don't know if you like the story unless you VOTE. I promise to update twice on Saturday if I get 20 comments and 15 votes.

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