Chapter 1- That Man I Recognise

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-6 months before present day-

I wake up and its freezing. The last memory i had was being pushed into a metal box, feeling my lungs toughen then black. Pure blackness. But where was i now? I look around the room, it was big. It looked futuristic, there were strange objects. It was like a tv, but bigger and in colour. My thoughts were interrupted when a tall, blonde man opened the door and sat next to me.

"Hey y/n" he said awkwardly, "hey yourself" i replied. "I'm steve" the handsome man said.
"how do you know me?" I say confused.
"I dont. you were found frozen literally. I dont think you remember, but this 'cult' hydra kidnapped you and must have tested on you. After they got what they wanted they froze you. We dont know how long you were in there, but it must have been a long time because you still freezing cold after 2hrs" he replied sympathetically. It was then when you recognised him,
"you're captin America, arnt you?"
"I am, and if you know that then that means you were in the ice after I was. Is that correct?"Steve stated
"Yes, that's correct. I was 19 the last time I checked." I also stated
"What year do you think it is? If you remember." Steve asked
"1673, I remember clearly. It was the day I met him; dark hair, grey eyes. He manipulated me into thinking he was my friend, then boom!" I explained, dropping my hands onto my thighs "he kidnapped me injected me with substances -when I was still conscious by the way! And shoved me in a freezer." I laugh, "it sounds so made up when you repeat it in your head."
"Tell me about it" steve chuckled. "Captin America found frozen in a block of ice"
We both laugh.
"What year even is it?" I said, probably ruining the mood
"Its 2015" steve says in a sad tone
"Omg, that's -That's crazy" I whispered under my breath, putting my hands over my face.

"Come to my room when your ready to talk, five doors to the left, we'll tell you everything you wanna know." Steve smiles and with that, he leaves the room and closes the door. I didn't know what he meant by " we'll " but it sounds like you've got more to worry about.

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