nhie part 2

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"I'm gonna go." I said while carrying myself
To the edge to the pool. as I walked out, I heard bucky shouting for me to come back.
I walked even faster, nearly running to my room.
*6hours later*
(You're not mad any more and have calmed you self down. But your still a bit annoyed about the incident earlier)

It was 8:54 pm when fury called us to a meeting. " terrorists have planned to bomb a french diner in nyc. It's called 'champagne et roses' and we are going to need 2 disguised agents to get into the building and set up are safety protocols."
He said with a neutral tone
"Luckily for you, I've already chosen the two agents." There was a pause " y/n and bucky" he blurted out with an exited (sarcastic) tone.
"You're shiting me." I loudly whispered
"Cmon, I'm not that bad" Bucky replied with a flirty attitude, winking and me jokingly.

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