chapter 8- maybe its not the end

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"Tony, it was all me, I'm s-" Peter said taking the blame, but was interrupted by,
"nah I'm just kidding. I'm glad you both are getting along!" And with that tony left with a smile on his face.
"Well that was-" (y/n)
"-weird" (peter)
I love how we had so much in common.
*time skip*
(You and peter where just talking/getting to know eachother and playing silly games with ned -which peter invited- and shuri -who was staying in the compound for a month-)
I heard the door open and heavy footsteps came through the door.
I unknowingly turned to peter and we started laughing, ned and shuri had no idea what was going on but found it funny how we were bursting with laughter so they both started laughing too.
"Isn't it a bit too late to be laughing that hard" a familiar deep voice grunted
I turned around to see bucky. He looked the same, but there was something about him that was different. He didn't want to look at me.
Then suddenly, he looked straight into my soul and said
"I think you should all go to bed."
"Cmon it's not even that late" I said while grabbing my phone to look at the time -01:56- . Shit, it was late.
"Oh, um, ok. See you tomorrow, or later ig" I groaned, then got up to go to my room -which I shared with Peter- but before that, I took a last look at bucky and his dark eyes.

-the next morning-
I was woken up by Peter's soft voice.
"Y/n, wake up! Wanda's made breakfast and her breakfast is the best!" (P)
"I'm up, I'm upp." I moaned as Peter practically pulled me out of my bed.
I got to the counter and peter quickly sat down next to shuri.
"Come y/n" peter laughed while patting the seat next to him.
"You've got to be shiting me." I whispered
as I realized the only seat left was between peter and bucky. I went to sit down trying not to look at Bucky,
"Fuck me" he said under his breath.
Wow. That was kinda hot. I turned around to him ,
"I mean if you insist" I said flirtingly,
"You wish" he replied turning his back on me. Damn. He was cold. Stone cold.
I felt really bad and placed a plum -his favourite fruit- on his plate as a peace offering, he looked at me and gave me a half smile, then a nod.

I knew he loved that gesture, there was no
disguising it. He was trying not to smile and was gonna say something until he realized what he was doing. He quickly looked down and once again started ignoring me.

I gave up and turned to peter, who was watching the whe thing happen.
"That was like watching a movie" (p)
"Your life is freaking awesome'(p)
Freaking? God I love this man so much.
"I agree, it's one of those 'the one that got away' movies" I replied
"Okayy, let's change the subject"(p) I giggled, this man could do anything and I would find it either hilarious or cute. I'm pretty such bucky heard all of that and therefore turned around to check.

He was already starring at me but when I looked back he quickly looked up.
"Nice ceiling, huh?" I asked jokingly
"Yep.." he responded biting into the plum I gave him, still looking up.
"You can look down now, ya know?" (Y/n)
"Yeah.. but its a very beautiful ceiling" (b)
"Maybe you should tell it how you feel" I whispered into his ear. He looked at me and smirked, "maybe I should." Then he left to his room.
I just sat their in awe, did he just flirt back? Well that was a step forward.
"I would pay for this to become a movie" peter grinned raising his eyebrow.
"Is it really THAT interesting?" I scoffed also raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, yes it is" peter said stuffing pancakes into his mouth.

*time skip*
(Nearly everyoneis sat near the tv watching a horror movie. You were sat in the middle of the couch in between thor and peter, and bucky was sitting on the end. Everyone else was either lying on sitting on the floor.)

I felt cold shivers folow down my spine as the killer was about to murder the victim, I love horror movies and because there is so much excitement and thrill.

Suddenly, there was a jump scare and I squeezed Peter's arm and hid my face in his chest. He looked at me and smiled,
"You didn't even flinch?" I stated
"Yh I could tell there was gonna be a jump scare. Theres always one where the murderer is about to kill someone."(p)

Thinking about it, he was right.
"Yh y/n your just a little scared girl" bucky said cockinging
"Oh suck my dick asshole" I replied infuriated
"You dont have one anyways" bucky bounced back at me
"Why dont you come and look you fuckin-" I was cut off when Bruce said
"Ok everyone, that's enough."
I slouched into the sofa and crossed my arms. Why did he turn into a dick all of a sudden? He used to be so.. nevermind.

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