Chapter 2: The Plan

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Mario just got back to Peach's Castle from the pipe leading to Inktopolis, who was also still holding the spaghetti-flavored icecreams. He was still feeling bad for the poor shadow siren Vivian.

He went upstairs and put the icecreams in the freezer. Then he went to the main room where Smg4, Desti and Tari. He sat in one of the chairs next to the room with the Bob-omb Battlefield picture and just continued feeling bad for her.

Smg4 noticed Mario being sad so he went to check up on him.

Smg4: Hey Mario. Are you feeling okay?

Mario: (sighs) No.

Smg4: Well do you wanna talk about it?

Mario: I don't know.

Smg4: C'mon. You won't feel better until you talk about it.

Mario: Okay, I'll tell you. I saw this girl getting abused by her family.

Desti and Tari heard what he said and rushed to him with worry.

Desti: Did you just said a girl is being abused?!?

Tari: That sounds horrible! Who is she?!

Mario: Her name is Vivian.

Desti: Oh! Vivian the Shadow Siren? Yeah, she's used to that.

Smg4 and Tari: Desti!!

Desti: What? It's true. She gets bullied by others since she's too much of a pussy to defend herself. She helps her sisters with pranks around the world but never stands up for herself.

Mario: She did when I overheard her and her sisters were still mean.

Tari: Man. What a poor girl.

Smg4: Yeah. Hey wait a minute, why do you care so badly?

Mario: She's hurting. I just wish there was something I could do to help.

Suddenly, he got an idea.

Mario: I'll be right back. (Exits the castle)

Desti: Is it me, or does he have a crush on Vivian?

Smg4: It could be possible. We can all tell by how concerned he was about her.

Tari: Yeah. Maybe they would make a
good couple.

Desti: You guys haven't even seen Vivian before.

Smg4 suddenly gets a message on his phone, so he took it out to see who's it from.

Smg4: Hey, I just got a message from- (Sr. Pelo gasp) MEGGY! I forgot she's still Mario's girlfriend!

Tari: Aaaahhh!! I forgot too!

Desti: I didn't. I'm living in her house.

Smg4: I can't believe this! Mario is in love with another girl behind Meggy's back!

Tari: We gotta go find him before it's too late!

Desti: He just left like 30 seconds ago. I'm sure he's not far.

Smg4: Can you be serious for at least 5 seconds here?!?

Desti: Hey I'm worried too but someone has to make the jokes.

Luigi and Saiko just came out of Smg4's room.

Saiko: That was awesome. I had a good time Luigi.

Luigi: Same here. You're a better kisser than I thought.

Saiko: (blushes) Aww. Thanks.

Smg4: Hey! What were you doing in my room?

The two froze when they saw Smg4, Desti and Tari.

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