Chapter 5: The Lesson

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The next day, Vivian met up with Mario in a dirty alley.

Vivian: Hey Mario. You called me for something?

Mario: Yeah. Remember yesterday when you were telling me about your fire power?

Vivian: Yeah?

Mario: Well I realized I can gain the same power from a fire flower.

Vivian: What's a fire flower?

Mario: You don't know?!?

Vivian: No. I don't know much about the... uuh... what's this place called again?

Mario: The Mushroom Kingdom.

Vivian: Yeah that.

Mario: Anyways, check this out.

He took out a fire flower and used it to transform into Fire Mario.

Mario: Ta-daaaaaa.

Vivian: So you called me here to rub it in my face that you control fire too?

Mario: Pfft, no. (Whispers) Not yet. (Stops whispering) I decided that I'm gonna teach you how to master fire!

Vivian: Wait really?

Mario: Yeah. Yesterday you said that you had trouble, so I figured I'd share my power with you.

Vivian: This is great! Thanks Mario! But just, why here.

Mario: It was either here or at Peach's Castle, but Mario knows that Peach is still mad at me for the broken window from yesterday.

At Peach's Castle...

Luigi, Smg4, Saiko, Desti and Tari walked in the Castle where they saw Peach screaming to the wall. They didn't want to take part of her drama, so they snuck in Smg4's room and locked the door.

Desti: Okay? Whaddup with that bitch today?

Smg4: I don't know, she's always like that. So anyways... uh........ why are we here again?

Saiko: To talk about Mario's affair?

Smg4: Oh yeah, that.

Luigi: I just can't believe my bro would do something like this.

Tari: Neither can I.

Saiko: So what should we do? Should we call and tell Meggy?

Smg4: Guys, we can't. She's already going through a lot on her vacation already. We can't make her upset now. And besides, if Mario found out we spyed on him, he'd kill us.

Saiko: I'm not afraid of him.

Smg4: He's probably not afraid of you either. At least not anymore.

Saiko: What? Are you trying to say I can't kick his ass if I want to?

Smg4: No, I'm saying he'd probably kick yours too.

Saiko: Yeah right. Like he's that strong.

Smg4: I mean, he did save the universe from Smg3. Twice actually.

One terribly embarrassed joke made by Saiko later...

Smg4: First of all, that's not real, it's fictional. Second, why the hell are you talking about Icarly in 2021?

Saiko: Isn't there gonna be a sequel soon?

Luigi: Guys, stop fighting!! We need to figure out a way to show Mario what he's doing is wrong!

Tari: (gasps) I have an idea, but you may not like it.

Saiko: Does it involve Bob?

Tari: (sighs) Not anymore.

A new 'friend'Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ