Chapter 8 (Final Chapter): The Call

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On the same day at night time, Luigi, Smg4, Saiko, Desti and Tari were in Smg4's room and Smg4 was about to call Meggy on his phone, but he hesitated to.

Desti: What are you waiting for? Call her!

Smg4: Guys, I can't. I don't want her to be devastated, especially on her vacation.

Saiko: She's gonna find out eventually anyways.

Tari: Yeah. It would hurt her more for her to find out on her own than if we told her now.

Smg4: (sighs) You're right.

He called her and she picked up the call.

Meggy: Hello?

Smg4: Luigi wants to talk to you!

Luigi: Wait what?!

He quickly threw the phone to Luigi.

Luigi: (whispers) What the heck, Smg4??

Smg4: (whispers) I'm sorry. I choked. Besides, your the brother of the boyfriend. Say something.

Luigi: (gulps) H-hey Meggy. H-how's your v-vacation?

Meggy: Ok, I guess. Are you feeling okay?

Luigi: Y-yep. C-cool as a c-cucumber. Speaking of vegetables, you will not believe what Bob did with a tomato the other day.

Smg4: (whispers) Okay, when I said say something, I didn't mean THAT.

Tari: (whispers) That still freaks me out.

Saiko: (whispers) Yeah, stop stalling.

Desti: (whispers) What does that guy do when we're not around?

Meggy: Wait, did I just hear Saiko, Desti and Tari? Is Mario there too?

Luigi: No... we actually called you cause we have to tell you something about him.

Meggy: Before you do, I just remembered something. Didn't anyone see my message?

Smg4: Message? What message?

Meggy: The one I sent 5 days ago?

Smg4: Oh yeah. Sorry, I didn't check it cause we were caught up in something.

Tari: What was it about?

Meggy: I heard that the Shadow Sirens went to Inktopolos again.

Luigi: You know them too?

Desti: Practically anyone from Inktopolos have heard of them.

Meggy: Wait, how do YOU know them Luigi?

Luigi: Uh... no reason. Just heard of them. So you were saying?

Meggy: Anyways, I was trying to tell you that you guys might have a new friend, cause Mario said we was gonna try to be friends with Vivian.

Everyone was in shock when they heard that.

Saiko: I'm sorry, did I just here you say that Mario was trying to be "friends" with Vivian?

Meggy: Yeah. He told me all about it.

Flashback to Chapter 2...

Once Mario got back to Peach's Castle through the sewers while holding his spaghetti-flavoured ice-cream, he saw a nearby red toad, walked to him and asked him to hold his ice-creams, which he did, then took out his phone and called Meggy. She picked up the call.

Meggy: Hey Mario. How was the surprise?

Mario: It was great. Thanks baby.

Meggy: No problem sweetie.

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