Chapter 3: The Party

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Vivian appeared in at a big 3-story house in the dark woods.

Vivian: So this is where they changed the party to this week, huh? Well, this looks like a step up from last week's party in the sewers. I'm just glad I'm invited to another party to get my mind off of things for now.

Mario: Do you know if they have spaghetti here?

Vivian: (turns around) What are you doing here now?!?

Mario: (looks around) One second Mario touches you at home, and the next, he appears here. How did you do that?

Vivian: There's a reason why we're called the "Shadow" Sirens.

Mario: What's a Siren?

Vivian: (sighs) Anyways, since you're here already, do you wanna come to this party with me maybe?

Mario: Two questions: Do they have spaghetti? And am I allowed to get naked?

Vivian: They might for both, (whispers) surprisingly. (Stops whispering) My friend, Alice, who throws these parties lives with a rich family, so-

Mario: (takes off his clothes and runs to the house) YEEAAHH! BOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIII!!!!!

Vivian: (giggles) He seems kinda funny. That must be how those two girls in those pictures seems to be happy with him.


Smg4, Luigi, Saiko, Desti and Tari were driving around the city in Smg4's van looking for Mario. Saiko was driving fast and fiercely.

Luigi: S-Saiko! P-Please slow down!

Saiko: I'm not slowing down until I get my hands on that fat idiot you call a brother!

Luigi: W-Why are you so m-mad anyways?

Saiko: He's cheating on one of my best friends! No one gets away with that!

Smg4: We're not saying that he is. We're just saying we THINK he is.

Desti: And also, we drove all around the city about 5 times now. It's obvious he's not here.

Saiko: Well where else do you think he is then?!

Tari: I have one thought.

Smg4: Where's that, sweetie?


While Mario was dancing naked on a table, Vivian walked to her friend Alice.

Vivian: Hey Alice. This is a great party.

Alice: Obviously. All my parties are great, except for that sewers party. But, it's actually a lot better with that talented guy over there.

Vivian: Who?

Alice: (points at Mario) Him.

Vivian turns and sees Mario juggling 4 bowls of spaghetti fast, throws them in the air, catches them in his mouths and eats them. Everyone clapped for him.

Vivian: Wow. He's good.

Alice: Nobody even minds if he's naked.

Mario soon heard music playing.

Mario: I know what this means!

He quickly put on back his clothes and started dancing to it. Everyone even liked his dance moves and joined in.

Vivian: I may not know him much, but he sure knows how to party huh?

Alice: Yeah. My parties may be great, but they haven't been this lively in months! He's doing a fantastic job.

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