Chapter 18

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***** pre-warning- homophobic and transphobic language *****

"Something wicked just arrived!" 


"Alright, here's what's gonna happen. Mum, Bobby, Nan, Danny, Alec, and Issac go to Noah's how's and keep the kids calm and safe . Allison, Gabe, Nollan, Mason, Corey, Braeden, and Chris on the roof. Malia, Cora, Kira, Jackson, Hayden, Brett, Liam, Lydia, Gabe, and Erica middle ground outside, stay near all the house entrances. Scott, Aiden, Ethan, Boyd, Jordan, Theo, Dad, Sam, and Jack you're behind me and Derek at the front. Do not attack immediately, but if they attack, you know what to do!" I ordered and everyone got into place. There's no time for error or hesitation now. This is it!

Derek and I make our way past our pack to the front. In front of the tree line stands who I'm guessing is the leader. He doesn't look all that special, guess being the leader was passed down from daddy and not earned.

"So you're the mighty Hale Pack huh? What's so special about you? How was it that a bunch of pathetic faggots like you were able to take down half of my team?" What did this scum just call my pack?

"You really don't wanna know how. So why don't you take your 'team' and leave so you never have to find out?" I sneer.

"So you're the delusional luna who thinks she's a boy?" he spits. I can feel Derek and the pack's anger, but they all know they do not attack first. I just hope the pups can hold Liam back for long enough, poor pup still struggles with his anger,  Bretts with him though so all should be okay for now.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that if I were you, big guy. The pups aren't fond of transphobes and don't get me started on how badly their Alpha despises transphobes." I smirk. Just gotta wait for them to strike first. Come one, do it, tough guy. I know you wanna.

"And what would these filthy mutts do to someone like me? All I'm doing is speaking the truth. It's your mutts that can't handle the truth of how disgusting you all are. D'you know what we do to disgusting vermin like you lot?" I can hear his team readying their weapons, they're about to strike. "We put them down!"

A bullet flies my way and I catch it, letting it explode in my hand. The leader stares at me, confused, and honestly if this was a movie I'd be laughing at this guy.

"Ready to fuck shit up babe?" I turn to Derek.

"Ready babe." 

And the battle begins.

Hunters swarm from out of the trees. Few make it past as they were shot down from above, whoever doesn't get caught by them gets attacked by Scott's group, any stragglers get caught by Malias Team.  Meaning no one should be able to get to the people inside. Gabe and Jack are making sure that no one gets shot or badly injured in each team. Me and Derek go for the big guy. So far I can't feel any of the pups are in pain, calming my nerves as me and Derek fight our way towards whoever this leader guy is.

Nobody seems to be able to get passed us, and if they do they immediately get caught by one of the pups or shot by me Dad and Sam. I can see their leader look straight at me and Derek, his smirk falling with every hunter we take down as we get closer and closer to him. 

"Where you gonna run too? We may be outnumbered but us faggots are better than you'll ever be. It looks to me, Der, that the big boss is scared. what d'ya think babe?" I speak, never taking my eyes off the target.

"You're right, babe. He looks terrified." Derek says while breaking a random hunter's spin, while i snap one's neck using one hand. I know I could just fly to him and grab him, but where's the fun in that?

As we get within 10 feet of him, his smirk reappears. Something's wrong. Something feels off. Now I think about it, this fight does seem way too easy. 

Suddenly he starts to change form. This hunter hasn't been human this whole time? Ever heard of double standards. What the fuck is he? I don't even know how to describe it? All that comes to mind is that he looks gross and slimy and is roughly 20ft tall! What the fuck!

Everything pauses once he's fully shifted. His hunters all seemed shocked and the pack does too. I look to Derek and he looks just as confused as I do.

Gross spikes grow out of his hands and before anyone can do anything he throws the spikes in the ground. Instantly I can feel 9 of the pups in pain, Dereks pain seers through me as his arm got hit by a spike, and I see red! 

Everything around me slows down. Everything seems to be getting smaller, my eyesight seems sharp. I feel my whole body changing but I don't dwell on it. Whatever I've changed into is stronger and bigger than the gross giant. Who looks completely stunned. I can see what I am in his eyes and I smirk the best I can. This bitch is going down!

That's the last thing I think before I  let out a vicious howl and lunge at him. Every advance he tries fails miserably. I dodge every spike, clawing them away. My jaw constantly snapping, grabbing anything I can get my teeth on. My fangs seep deep into his body, to the bone.  At one point I had his arm in my mouth and snapped it in half with one quick movement.

Everything went so fast until I had him pinned under my claws, unable to move with the amount of broken boned and teeth marks crippling his body. I can feel everyone looking at me so I look to the pack. Gabe, Jack, and my mum (when did mum get out?) seemed to have healed the injured pack members and all the other hunters lay around the ground dead or unconscious. I look down at Derek and he's smiling at me. His smile turns into a smirk as our eyes connect.

"Stiles?" he speaks, in a normal tone but I can hear him perfectly. 

"Yeah, babe?" I mind-linked.

"Rip his throat out... With your teeth"

And I did.

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