Chapter 9

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AJ walks up to Eddie to shake his hand

AJ- Hey man I'm AJ

Suddenly Eddie punches AJ right in the face!

Loren- Eddie! What the hell!

Loren rushes over to AJ's side to see if he was alright. Eddie goes back over to AJ and lifts his head up

Eddie- Think you can steal my girlfriend from me?

Punches him again

Loren- Stop!

Eddie- Taking her to OUR spot

Eddie was about to hit him again. Loren pulls Eddie off of AJ

Loren- Leave now before I call the police

Eddie- Loren I…

Loren- GO!

Loren goes back over to AJ

Loren- Are you ok?

AJ- Yeah I think so. Man that guy sure knows how to hurt someone

Loren looks up at Eddie

Loren- Yeah, tell me about it

Eddie sighs and walks away

Later on AJ and Loren arrive back at Nora's place and Max and Nora are both there

Nora- Hey you guy…. What happened to your face?

Loren- Eddie hit him

Max- He what

AJ- He saw Loren and me up at moholand together and I guess he got jealous and started hitting me

Nora- Oh dear, here sit down and I will get you an ice pack

AJ- Thanks Nor

AJ sits down at the table and Max walks up to him to check out the bruise

Max- I just can't believe Eddie did that, I mean I knew he was angry that Loren posted that picture of you two but I didn't think he would lash out

Loren- Wait, he saw that photo?

Max- Well yeah, I mean Loren it was all over the internet

Loren- Oh my gosh, how could I be so stupid? When I posted the picture I forgot about how many people would see it, including Eddie. I'm still not used to everyone looking at my stuff. This is all my fault

AJ- No Loren it's not, I know what happened was an accident and I get why Eddie would hit me, I mean seeing the girl you love with someone else right after you two broke up. That would get anyone angry. Especially because Eddie's been through this before

Nora walks over and gives him the ice pack and sits beside Max

AJ- Thanks

Nora- He does have a point honey, I mean jealousy can really get the best of people, especially Eddie. What did you say to him after he hit AJ?

Loren- I told him to leave before I called the cops

She said in a softer voice

Nora- Oh Loren,

Loren- I know it was a stupid thing to say but I just got so heated in the moment

Max- Well so did Eddie, now Loren I don't mean to sound harsh but isn't that a little hypocritical of you?

Nora- Max

Loren- No mom he's right, it wasn't far to Eddie, I should go apologize and try to talk things out. AJ you ok staying here?

AJ- Yeah of course, just text me when you get there

Loren- Ok

She goes over to him and hugs him

Loren- Well here goes nothing

As the door closes behind her Nora screams

Nora- Good luck honey!

And just like that she was gone.


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