Chapter 4

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Door bell rings

Mel: I got it

Mel: What the hell are you doing here?


Person: I'm here to see loren

Mel: Well she doesn't want to see u

Person: Is she ok?

Mel: Of course she's not ok are u nuts?!?

Eddie: Can I please come in

Nora to the door

Nora: Not right now Eddie

Eddie: Nora I've got to see her

Nora: Eddie you really need to go

Eddie: No I'm not leaving until I talk to Loren

Max to the door

Max: Come on Eddie time to go, I will stop by later

Eddie: Pops just tell her I'm really sorry, please

Max: I will, goodnight son

Door closed

Mel: Thank god I thought he was never gonna leave

Lorens phone buzzes

Loren: It's a text from Eddie

Loren Ill be at our spot incase you decide to talk to me. I hope you do. Please call me, I love you ~Eddie

Nora: Are you gonna go?

Loren throws her phone

Loren: No, I'm done with him. I have a headache I'm gonna go take a shower and go to bed

Nora: Ok honey, I love you

Loren: I love you to Mom, Goodnight guys

All: Goodnight Lo

Max: And loren...

Loren: Yeah?

Max: It all gets better

Loren: I hope so

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