Chapter 14

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Max: I want to propose to your Mom and I wanted to get your opinion/blessing.

Loren: Max! Of course you have my blessing!

She hugs him

Max: Oh thank goodness.

They break apart.

Loren: I am so happy for you guys! When are you going to ask her?

Max: I don't know. I wanted to check with you and Eddie first

Eddie opens the door

Eddie: I heard my name.

He walks in and sits on Loren's bed across from Max and Loren

Max: I was just showing this to Loren

He shows Eddie the ring.

Max: What do you think?

Eddie: ...


Eddie: Pop. I love it! Congratulations!

They get up and bro hug

Loren wipes a tear away

Max: Well don't congratulate me quiet yet. I still have to ask her.

Loren: Yeah but I know she's gonna say yes.

Max: Thank you

Max and Loren hug

Eddie: We should get back though before Nora thinks we ran away.

Max: Good idea.

He puts the ring back in his pocket and they all walk out.

Nora: There you all are. Who's hungry? I made pecan pie.

Max: Who could say no to that?

He goes over and kisses her

Eddie: Actually as good as that sounds Loren and I have to run.

Loren: Yeah we still have to tell AJ and Mel that we're buying a place.

Nora looks sad again

Loren: Mom. Not again.

She goes up and hugs her

Nora: No. No. I'm ok. Just so proud of you.

Loren: Thank you Mom.

They release.

Eddie: Ok no more tears! Let's go before you guys flood the house.

Max laughs

Max: Ok. Have fun. Love you guys.

Loren and Eddie: Love you too

They leave.

Max: So... I believe a pie was mentioned.

Nora laughs

Nora: Go wash up and I'll cut you a slice.

Max: Yes ma'am.

They laugh.

A little while later Loren and Eddie arrive back to the penthouse.

Eddie opens the door.

Eddie: Welcome home Ma lady. Well home at least until we find a place.

He puts his hand out for her to grab.

Loren laughs and takes it

Loren: You're crazy. You know that right?

He pulls her in

Eddie: Well that's because you make me that way.

He kisses her

Eddie: That was a bad line wasn't it?

Loren laughs and puts her arms around his neck

Loren: Yes but I'll let it slide this time

Eddie smiles

Loren: What?

Eddie: I'm really happy you're here.

Loren blushes and smiles bigger

Loren: Me too

They kiss

Eddie: So, how about we watch OUR TV in OUR home?

Loren: I like that idea

He takes her hand and leads her to the couch. They snuggle up and put on the TV.

Eddie: What should we watch?

Loren: Catch up on some celebrity gossip?

Eddie: You sure?

Loren: We haven't done anything for us to be on there.

Eddie: That's true. Ok.

He puts on Lily Parks show

Eddie: Ah my favorite person

Loren laughs

Lily: Coming up next, Loren Tate and Eddie Duran spotted out together again. But what about her and this guy?

A picture of Loren and AJ appears on the screen

Lily: Social media is still buzzing about this. I'll tell you what I think when we get back.

A commercial comes on. Eddie says nothing.

Loren: Ok... soooo maybe we shouldn't have watched that.

Eddie bites his bottom lip hard

Eddie: I'm not surprised she'd pull something like this. I'm going to call my lawyer. I am so sick of her BS.

Eddie reaches for his phone, Loren stops him.

Loren: Wait. She's a reporter Eddie. It's what they do. They spread lies and claim to have this incredible sources but we know the truth. How many times have you told me just focus on the positive, not the negative?

Eddie sighs and sits back

Eddie: You're right. I just hate that she is picking you out to be some horrible person.

Loren puts her hand on his chest.

Loren: I don't care what she says, ok? You know the truth about AJ and that is all that matters.

They kiss for a moment and then break apart

Eddie: I know you said you want to wait bu...

She kisses him again even harder

Eddie: Are you sure?

Loren nods

He smiles and they kiss.

Then he gets on top of Loren, removing her shirt and revealing her bra.

Loren pulls his shirt off and rubs her hand down his abs.
And then some other stuff... ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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