Chapter 10

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Eddie opens the door

Loren: Hi

Eddie: Hey, uh come on in

-She comes in, puts her bag down, then starts to look around, he closes the door

Eddie: Can I get you a drink or something?

Loren: No thanks, I'm alright. So is it just the two of us or is Leah going to come walking down the stairs?

-She crosses her arms

Eddie: No she's not. She had only come over the other day to see how I was after that photo got leaked. Or so I thought.

-Now Loren is angry

Loren: What do you mean?

-Eddie sighs

Eddie: After you and Mel left she tried to kiss me again

-Loren in an uncomfortable tone

Loren: Oh, and uh, did you let her? Kiss you I mean

Eddie: No of course not. I kicked her out

Loren: I see…

Eddie: How's uh…?

Loren: AJ. The guy you punched

Eddie: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, just seeing you at our spot with your new boyfriend

-Loren stops him

Loren: Wow wow wow! Wait a minute, AJ isn't my boyfriend! Do you really think I would move on from you THAT quickly? I'm not Chloe, I don't just go from guy to guy, especially not after the guy I love more than anything cheats on me with some random girl while I thought he was dead. Yes, what you did hurt me, but I would NEVER do that to you! I mean god!

Eddie: You're right. I shouldn't have let my imagination get the best of me. I'm so sorry Loren. I really am.

Loren: I am too. If you said nothing else happened between you and Leah then I believe you

-Eddie smiles

Loren: But, I'm still upset you didn't tell me about the kiss

Eddie: And you have every right to.

-He sits down

Eddie: I didn't tell you just because if was right after I came back and everything between was perfect between us again, I didn't want to ruin that

-Suddenly Loren's phone rings

Loren: It's AJ I should take it, he just wants to make sure I got here ok

Eddie: Yeah of course go ahead

*Phone Conversation*

Loren: Hey AJ

AJ: Hey Lo are you ok?

Loren: Yeah, yeah everything's fine

-She smiles to Eddie, he smiles back

AJ: Ok because we we're all worried

Loren: Yeah don't worry. Tell me mom I will come back over after we're done

AJ: Ok, I guess I will see you later then

Loren: Yep. Bye!

AJ: Bye

-She hangs up

Loren: Sorry about that

Eddie: Don't sweat it. He was just checking up

Loren: Yeah…

-She sits down next to him

Loren: So your Dad brought up a good point to me before I came over

Eddie: Oh yeah, what's that?

Loren: He called me a hypocrite

Eddie: What? Why?

Loren: He's right though. When I saw Leah here I didn't give you a chance to explain, I just automatically assumed you two were together, and you did the same with that photo of me and AJ

Eddie: It's when I saw you two up there at OUR spot, I let my emotions get the better of me and I lashed out

Loren: I know, and honestly you had every right to. I did when I saw that photo.

Eddie: That was just a onetime thing, actually no it was a one second thing

Loren: I believe you, I should have listened to you when I first found out. I'm sorry

Eddie takes her hands into his

Eddie: You have nothing to be sorry for, I completely understand and expected you to react as you did. Anyone would if they say their boyfriend kissing someone else. But you need to know, if you give me a second chance I promise it will never happen again

She is silent for a moment, then smiles and nods her head yes

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