Chapter 12

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Loren gets a call from Jake while relaxing at home

Loren: Hey Jake!

Jake: Hey Lo. Have you spoken to AJ today? I've been trying to get a hold of him but it goes straight to voicemail.

Loren: Oh yeah he's at the gym so he probably just turned his phone off. He should be done in like an hour? Do you want me to tell him to call you?

Jake: That would be great. Thanks. I'll talk to you later.

Loren: Wait Jake!

Jake: Yeah?

Loren: I'm actually glad you called because I've been meaning to ask you something.

Jake: Ok, what is it?

Loren: So Eddie's birthday is coming up and since it is also our anniversary I want to make it really special.

Jake: Ok?

Loren: I was thinking about renting him this 1967 Camaro that I know he's had his eyes on forever to keep him out of the house for a few hours while I set up. Would you mind keeping him occupied for a few hours with Max? You know, like go golfing or something.

Jake: Of course!

Loren: Yay! Thank you Jake! I owe you one.

Jake: Anytime, and Loren?

Loren: Yeah?

Jake: I'm really happy Eddie has you. I know how much you two really love each other.

Loren smiles

Loren: Thanks Jake. I'll have AJ call you later.

Jake: Ok. Bye.

They hang up; Mel comes through the door

Mel: Ok, I'm here.

She sits down next to Loren

Mel: What's up?

Loren: I have this idea for Eddie's birthday

Mel: And your anniversary

She nudges her and Loren blushed

Loren: Yes. But I really want this to be about him. Last year we did what I wanted and that's not fair to him.

Mel: Ok so what did you have in mind? A little sexy lingerie?

Loren: More like a nice dinner. I swear sometimes I feel like all you think about is sex.

Mel: Well, not ALL the time

She smiles

Loren: But really I want the day to be about him and be out with the guys and have fun. You only turn 25 once.

Mel: Yeah, I guess a dinner works too.

Loren shakes her head and laughs

Loren: Now come on. I need to go food shopping. We've eaten everything in the fridge.

Mel: And yet you both are in amazing shape.

Loren laughs and they leave.

A little while later Eddie and Ian enter the penthouse

Eddie: Babe? Lo?

He looks around.

Ian: I guess valley girls out.

Eddie: Will you stop calling her that?!

He throws him a water bottle

Eddie: I'm actually glad she isn't here right now because I wanted to show you something

Ian: Ok

Eddie disappears upstairs and then quickly returns will a box in his hand

Eddie: You have to promise you won't tell anyone.

Ian: Mate. I'm your best friend.

Eddie: Ok

He opens the box and inside is a beautiful diamond ring!!!!!!!!!

Ian: Wow man I mean I'm flattered but I'm in a good relationship.

Eddie nudges him

Ian: No I mean man that's great but engaged. Really?

Eddie: What?

Ian: C'mon mate, the last time you proposed to a beautiful woman it kind of blew up in your face

Eddie: That was Chloe. Loren is nothing like Chloe and never could be if she tried. That's one of the

things I love about her.

Ian: Well then congratulations brother

They have a bro hug

Eddie: Thank you. But I actually need a favor from you with it.

Ian: Shoot

Eddie: Ok so...

Several hours later, Loren returns to the penthouse with grocery bags on her arms and Eddie is sitting on

the couch

Loren: Oh, you're home.

Eddie jumps up

Eddie: Yeah hey. If I knew you went out I would've helped you carry them from the car

Loren: It's fine. Although I am starting to loose feeling in my left arm so...

She picks her arm up

Eddie: Oh of course

He takes the bags from her arm

Loren: Thank you.

They kiss and go to the kitchen

Loren: I figured I'd go get some food since you devoured everything last night.

Eddie glares at her

Loren: Ok fine. WE.

He laughs and kisses her cheek

Eddie: Listen, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.

She puts the last item in the cabinet and then faces him

Loren: What's up?

Eddie: So I know you and Mel love having your apartment together but you keep telling me how neither of you are ever even there, so why don't you guys just sell it and we get a place together?

Loren is shocked

Loren: Really?

Eddie: Yeah.

He puts his arms around her waist

Eddie: Think about it. We pretty much live here together and are running out of places to put all of our things, so why don't we just get a house?

Loren: You're really serious aren't you?

Eddie: Of course.

Loren bites her lip

Loren: Ok

Eddie: Yes?

Loren: Yes.

Eddie: Yay!

He picks her up and spins her around

Loren: We have to tell our parents.

Eddie: So let's go.

Loren: Ok

They walk out together hand in hand a giant smiles on their faces. :)

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