Chapter 13

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Loren and Eddie pull up to Max and Nora's home. Aka Loren's former home.

Eddie grabs Loren's hand

Eddie: Are you ready?

She sulks in her seat.

Loren: I mean, I don't live with her in the first place, so it's not like she can say no. Right?

Eddie: Maybe not, but I know how much her opinion means to you and to me.

Loren jumps up.

Loren: I just have to tell her straight up, I have to say, "Mom, I love you. And you know you mean everything to me. But so does Eddie. So we, as adults, have decided to get a place together."

Eddie smiles at her.

Eddie: Sounds perfect to me. Let's go tell Mom and Pops.

He kisses her hand and they get out of the car.

They walk up to the door and before Loren puts the key in the lock, she freezes.

Eddie: Babe, just breathe.

She takes a breath.

Loren: Ok.

She puts the key in and opens the door. They enter.

Loren: Mom?

Eddie: Pop?

Max and Nora come out of the kitchen.

Nora: Hi! I didn't know you guys were stopping by.

They all hug.

Eddie: Yeah, we just wanted to talk to you guys about something.

Nora gets concerned.

Loren: I'm NOT pregnant and we did NOT run off to Vegas and get married.

Both Max and Nora sigh in relief.

Eddie: Why don't we sit?

Nora and Max: Ok.

They all sit in the living room.

Loren: So... Let me start off by saying, we love you guys.

Max: O...k....

Eddie: We've been talking and we decided...

Loren jumps in.

Loren: We're going to get a place together.

Max: I love that idea!

Nora doesn't say anything.

Loren: Mom?

Eddie takes Loren's hand into his to comfort her.

Nora starts to cry.

Nora: You really are growing up.

Loren: Oh mom.

Loren gets up and hugs her mother.

Loren: It's ok. You don't have to cry. This is supposed to be a happy moment. I didn't want to make you upset.

Nora breaks from her.

Nora: I'm not upset.

She sniffles.

Nora: I'm just so proud of you. Both of you.

Loren looks at Eddie sympathetically and they both hug Nora. Soon Max joins in.

Max: Mi familia.

They all break apart and fix their faces

Loren: I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I can't leave the house with mascara melting down my face or else the paparazzi will say Eddie and I broke up or something.

Nora: That sounds good.

Loren walks away and no one says anything for just a moment

Max: You know, I actually forgot I had to ask Loren something. Excuse me.

Max descends down the hallway.

Nora: And then there were two.

Eddie: Actually Nora, I'm glad Pops is with Lo. I wanted to ask you something.

Nora: Oh Eddie, I don't know how much more I can handle.

Eddie wanted to talk to her about the ring but he knew it really wasn't the best time after they just announced getting a house together so he quickly says something else.

Eddie: I was wondering if you could give me your recipe for your lasagna. I thought it'd be something nice to do for Loren.

Nora: Oh! She will love that! Of course. You are family to me and Loren so yes, I will give you our Tate family secret recipe.

Eddie: Thank you. Mom.

They smiles at each other and hug.

Now to Max and Loren. Loren walks out of the bathroom after fixing her face and Max is waiting for her by the window.

Loren: Oh, hey Max. You scared me.

Max: Sorry honey. I came in here to talk to you about something.

Loren: Ok

She sits down next to him on the windowsill

Loren: Is everything ok? Are you ok?

Max: Yes, yes of course I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you about....

He pauses

Loren: About...

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a ring!

Loren gasps.

Max: I want to propose to your Mom and I wanted to get your opinion/blessing.

Loren: Max! Of course you have my blessing!

She hugs him

Max: Oh thank goodness.

They break apart.

Loren: I am so happy for you guys! When are you going to ask her?

Max: I don't know. I wanted to check with you and Eddie first

Eddie opens the door

Eddie: I heard my name.

He walks in and sits on Loren's bed across from Max and Loren

Max: I was just showing this to Loren

He shows Eddie the ring.

Max: What do you think?


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