Chapter 11

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Later that night Eddie takes Loren to their spot blind folded. Once they get there Eddie takes the fold off of her and reveals a picnic

Loren: Oh my, Eddie!

-She hits his chest

Loren: When on earth did you plan this?

Eddie: I called in a little favor

Suddenly Mel comes from behind the tree

Mel: Surprise

Loren has a huge grin on her face and runs over to Mel to give her a hug

Loren: You all did this?

Mel: Well it was Mr. Rock star's idea but yeah I set it up

Loren: Thank you

They hug again

Mel: You're welcome, now go eat with your man! I didn't set all this up for it to get cold!

-Loren and Eddie put their arms up

Mel: Later rock stars

Loren and Eddie: Bye Mel

-Halfway through the dinner Eddie says

Eddie: I have a surprise for you

Loren: I thought this was the surprise

-She points around them

Eddie: This was just part of it

-He takes out a little box and hands it to her

Loren: Oh my god Eddie!

Eddie: I know you want to take things slow since we literally just got back together and before you ask it's not an engagement ring. At least, not yet anyway

-Loren tilts her head and smiles, then opens the box with a huge grin on her face

Eddie: It's a promise ring. So that even when we are apart you can look down at it and remember it's a promise to never stop loving you

-A tear rushes down her face, he takes the box and slides the ring onto her finger and kisses her

They then spent the rest of the night staring off at LA

The next morning Loren woke up in Eddie's arms noticing they fell asleep at their spot. Eddie opens his eyes and smiled seeing the love of his life looking at him with pure love again

Eddie: Morning beautiful

-She kisses him

Loren: Back at ya handsome

-She grabs her phone and looks at the time

Loren: Oh my god!

-She jumps up

Eddie: What's wrong?

Loren: I was supposed to meet AJ like 20 minutes ago

Eddie: Oh...

Loren: You know what. Why don't you come with me?

Eddie: Oh I don't know of that's such a good idea I mean I just punched the guy in the face

Loren: No really come. I want you two to actually get to know each other

-Eddie sighs

Loren: Please. For me...

-She makes a puppy dog face

Eddie: Now that's not fair you know I can't say no to you when you make that face

Loren: Exactly. Come on please Eddie

-He thinks for a minute

Eddie: Alright fine if it means that much to you then sure

Loren: Thank you, thank you, thank you

-She hugs him causing them to fall laughing

-A little while later Loren walks into the diner and sits down at the table

Loren: I am so sorry I know I am super later we overslept and then...

AJ: Wait we?

Loren: Uh

-Suddenly Eddie walks over

Eddie: Took forever to find a spot

AJ: We!

Eddie: Hey man

-He reaches out for a handshake and AJ responds

AJ: Nice to see you again, and your hand in mine instead of on my face

Eddie: Yeah look I am so sorry when I saw you and Lo together I let me jealousy get the best of me

AJ: Don't worry about it. I completely understand

Eddie: Really?

AJ: Yeah don't sweat it. Besides you really don't need to worry about anything happening between me and Loren

-He looks at her and they both start laughing

Eddie: What'd I miss?

Loren: Um, AJ is uh

AJ: I'm gay

-Eddie is taking back with shock

Eddie: Oh. Wow ok yeah it really won't be a problem huh?

-They all smile; a little while later they all get their food and Eddie asks AJ a question

Eddie: So AJ you must have so super embarrassing stories about this one huh?

-Loren shrugs him

Loren: No. No you don't have any right AJ?

-She glares at AJ

AJ: Well... no actually

Eddie: Seriously?

AJ: Yeah. She was quite a calm kid

Eddie: Huh? Ok.

-Loren mouths thank you to AJ and he nods

Loren: Well I need to use the restroom. Excuse me

-She walks away

AJ: Ok so I do have one story. I just didn't want to tell you with Loren here

Eddie: Oh good. Ok tell me.

-He sits up in his seat

AJ: Ok so this one time we were at the park and Loren decided to play tag and she thought she was wonder woman so she climb to the top of the jungle gym and waiting for me to run passed. So I'm running and suddenly all I see is this little girl flying in the air and coming down towards me at full speed with her arm out screaming "I'm gonna get you!" Next thing I know she's face first in the sandbox

-Eddie starts laughing hysterically. Suddenly Loren comes back

Loren: What's so funny?

Eddie: Oh nothing this guy just walked passed and smelled funny

-She just glares

Loren: I see

Eddie: Yep so this was amazing! How about a little early dessert at Mama Tates?


-The boys high five each other causing Loren to smile from ear to ear. She knew everything was finally falling into place. She was finally at peace. Or is it?...

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