Chapter 5

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Next morning:

Mel and loren are at the Tate house

Loren: Mel I have to go to Eddie's to get the rest of my stuff, will u come with me incase he's there?

Mel: Of course

At Eddies:

Knock knock

Please be loren Eddie thought. He opened the door and Leah is there

Eddie: Look Leah I'm really not in the mood

Leah: I heard about you and Loren and I just wanted to see how you were doing

Eddie: honestly I'm a mess

Leah: Can I come in?

Eddie: I don't think that's a good idea

Leah: Please just for a minute. I just want to talk

Eddie: Ok fine

Meanwhile Loren and Mel were on their way up

Mel: You ok?

Loren: I'm nervous

Mel grabs Loren's hand

Mel: I'll be right outside if you need me

Back inside the penthouse

Eddie: Um have a seat

Leah: Thanks

Eddie and Leah sit down and Leah instantly hugs Eddie and he hugs back. Just then the girls walk in.

Loren: I knew I shouldn't of come

And she runs out

Eddie: Loren wait!

Mel steps in front of Eddie

Mel: Stay away from her or so help me god I will kill u and I can't believe you! you and loren broke up less then 24 hours ago and your with that piece of trash!

Eddie: Mel its not what you think

Mel: Just stay away from her, got it?

And Mel walks away

Leah: Eddie come back inside

Eddie: Get the hell out! Because of you I just lost the most important thing to me.

Leah: Eddie you don't need her, you can be with me

Eddie: Your sick! Get the hell out!

Leah: Fine but this isn't the last of me

Eddie slams the door in her face and collapses to the ground in tears.

Eddie: What the hell was is wrong with me?!?

Long Live Leddie? (LLL)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora