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♡-Fun fact, you can learn a lot from a person just by watching them

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Fun fact, you can learn a lot from a person just by watching them.

At 9:26 you'll enter the coffee shop and order an iced mocha latte. You'll go on your phone and finish your drink in exactly 10 minutes. Then, at 10:05 you'll head to our lecture and mingle with your friends and I'll come in at 10:09 and sit in the seat below you, pretending to go through my phone, until 11:20. Although I haven't followed you home yet, I would imagine what you'll do.

I would imagine, you doing your homework while listening to Seventeen newest comeback. I would imagine, you taking a long and relaxing shower after a hard day at the gym on Friday. And I would imagine, you in your bed, shuggled up in your sheets ready to sleep, and hopefully dreaming about me.

Today, I decided to stop being a coward and talk to you. I came to the lecture 5 minutes before you, I wanted to prepare myself for you. I made sure I wore a black hoodie with your favorite logo and your favorite color. I made sure to give myself a light scent from your favorite perfume. And I made sure to write what we'll say.

When you sat down I turned around to face you. We both locked eyes and you smiled to greet me. I felt my stomach getting butterflies, I envied your confidence. I embarrassedly stuttered over the first few words and only managed to make a fool of myself in front of you. And all you can do is stare at me.

"I'm Jungkook, It's very nice to meet you, Taehyung."

Those were the first real words you ever said to me. The first words that you meant. I lowered my head, gosh you looked so cute when you moved your mouth.

I then asked if you listened to kpop. You beamed up and excitedly said you listened to Seventeen and went on to gush over their newest comback, one day I'll meet Seventeen and thank them for starting all of this.

From then on, we became best friends, friends that would never leave each other side and will love each other until the end. You'll tell me all your problems, thoughts, and feelings. And I'll answer according to what I wanted you to feel next. Anyone that tried to hurt you won't last long. I'll protect forever, Jungkook. And soon, those feelings will become more intimate. But, I'll be patience with you, like how you were patience with me.

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