Author's announcement

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Hey... Umm.... Night Hunters here. This maybe the shortest announcement that I'll make just to tell you all that I'll be going to a boot camp where it is completely off the grid. Meaning that there won't be any internet or Wi-Fi or anything else that can help me connect to the whole world. What's worse is that I'll be off the grid for two whole months, or maybe one if the situation is okay to me.

But still guys. I'll make it all up by posting many chapters as possible in a week. Besides, I feel like I owe you fellow readers a lot because without you all, this Fanfiction would never have reached this level. But like all human beings, this story isn't without its own shares of flaws. That's why I am willing to learn from you guys for new informations and whatnot.

But anyways, hope to see you guys in a month or two, and stay safe in these hard times. And until then, wish me luck.

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