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Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
Ché la diritta via era smarrita
Esta selva selavaggia e aspra e forte



He went on his way to the shop.

Jisung went down throughout the elevator pushing the button with "1" and watched the digit lit up, the announcer counting down from 7 to 1 and he exited on the lobby to the building gate.

He went straight to the bakery a few blocks away, munching on the warm buttery pastry nonchalantly walking down the street. Ignoring the weird creatures he has been seeing on the street light poles, on buildings, on people, and some people themselves living normally as if their eyes exist but in all actuality isn't. Filtering his senses and focusing on his phone and the road itself.

A little doll started following his tracks, tried pushing a skateboard on his way for him to trip. But Jisung can see it so he just stopped his skips and waited for the skateboard to go straight past him onto the road and the car that ran over it hit another car and blew up.

He took a bite from his croissant and picked up the tiny doll.

Raising it to his head.

His eyes scanned the little doll, pretty curly pigtails little arms flailing and letting out squealing pitched noises. Squirming to get out of his hands.

"Shhhh...." He bit his croissant and held it in his mouth. He squeezed the doll. The black liquid drips from its eyes to his hands.

The doll stops when they met her eyes.


The body of the little toy fell on the ground.

He looked around.

His way is now clearer and there were fewer monstrosity encounters. Glad that the entities took the warning. He met a friend on the way and gave him a clean high-five as he bowed and greeted.

His hands, all clean. Not a single stain of any black liquid from the doll.

He was the first to arrive at the shop.

The same lady is still hovering at a stack of old vinyl stash, its hollow face turned to him screaming and came to him in an inhumane pace as Jisung then opened the curtains behind him and the lady screeched turning into a white mouse and hid under the shelves.

He went behind the counter and grabbed a small piece of cheddar and left it below the counter where the rat hid.

The cheese soon disappeared after he prepped the register. He sighed in relief.

Soon patrons came in and lookers scanned the store, some bought, some didn't. He roamed to each customer imparting a lil' bits of information about the records that caught their eyes politely.

When the bells chime in, He greets "Welcome to Levanter!" in bright tones, enthusiastically.

A blonde long-haired guy came. If you see how his face beamed. He is almost literally sparkling.

"Hey, fairy," Jisung said in excitement.

"Hey, 091400." The blonde-haired guy smiled his mole under his eye is still charming, his dragonfly wings fluttered down.

"Where's pixie?" I asked.

Hyunjin hovered through the laminated packages and pointed outside and I see Felix's glitters sprinkled on the toasty donuts across the toast. We both laughed. They're both happy little sprites now.

"Are you going to dance with the devil later?" Hyunjin asked Jisung worryingly, fiddling around the younger's clothes, all prepared for a fight, he sat beside his shoulders, and his little body and legs dangled on the shirt. Jisung nodded as an answer to the fairy-like being.

He continued helping the customers punching and packaging their orders carefully. Hyunjin just sat by jisung's shoulders and kept sneering and putting little comments as I go along with work.

Hyunjin puts a kiss on his cheeks and hovered on Jisung's hands for a bit.

"You killed a soul today." He sighed, face curling and saddened

"I'll bless you with foresight before I go." Hyunjin shrugged as he started drawing nothings on his palms.

"Fresh healings." He continued scanning Jisung's perfectly fine hands.

"Mug accident." I smiled.

He soon fluttered his tiny wings and left just right before my lunch break. I bid the manager on his office and told him I'll go to have lunch.

Jisung ate happily at a nearby fast food alone. Ordered a box of fried chicken and rice. Lifting the spoon to his mouth now and then as open up the phone, lazily scroll through the feeds and the news.

Every planetary conjunction opens up for non-earthly remnants to have their fun. the accidents and commotions are common. It's just liked every day, just a tad bit more chaos than normal.

Soon a serpent started crawling Jisung's hands and bit him.

There's no pain.

Just like the glass shards.

But this snake doesn't exist here. It must be a messenger of some sort.

It bit him more and more.

He just tapped on the black serpent on its head and it turned white like an albino one and it crawled away.


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