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The stories write themselves
The author lost his way again
And he forgot to write the end
Race towards the sun

The story...
Seeing who comes undone
...is ending!
The villainess, the broken bride
We sit and watch the world's collide


We all didn't know 102598's capabilities, he's always quiet and was always sent on lone missions. Not once he sparred using any skills we haven't seen from each other already.

One rest day, Just like what we've been doing for the past 5 years, We held hands naturally. I don't know, he likes it, he emits this happy sound when I go touchy with him yet he's like a statue.

After that one time, didn't become the last, he consistently scoots over me and his hands always searched for mine. I can still remember him standing blankly behind me on our small circle as we 4 discussed this one time.

"Hey." I said looking up at his features the 15-year-old has both his hands clasped, looking down and side by side, not knowing out what he wanted to say. 

"102598, What can we help you with?" Changbin asked. 

"It's nothing." I said, knowing what he came here for, my hands crawling up to his as he met them and sat beside me quietly and Hyunjin moved to give him space. We don't mind his presence since he can understand quietly and goes along with plans without being told to.

Jisung used to mumble nothings to him through mental messages privately at the same time, and He will see a little bit of change in his expression knowing that he's listening through my monologues, and also listens to the conversation simultaneously. 

"He's fond of you 091400." 

"He's comfy around you, 091400" 

"He's finally coming around." 

The others collectively sent Jisung messages and I replied: "Yes, but he still never talks, I can read him but only to an extent and I'm not confident with it." 

They're happy that at least 102598 is opening up to me.

"032000, can't read him at all." 

"I'm counting on you." Chan said.

Soon the white coats, Kind of, wondered about the two's connection and they both put them in an experiment and drowned them both. 

"District 9. Experiment #778325, subject 091400, and subject 102598. commencing." 

The announcer on the speakers echoed and the 10 cm thick glass chamber with nothing with the two of us, started pouring with water.

Jisung calculated with his head looking at the four corners for something, 102598 was doing the same. It's completely sealed and joined, with no framing, no hinges, no mechanisms other than the hole where water is coming in. 

Oxygen is already scarce due to it having no opening at all.  Wait no, there are three holes up above. Jisung knew he figured it out too as he saw him looking up at the very same spot... 

We couldn't reach that high up not even with jumping. It's 10 meters high. 

Jisung took his hands and helped him stood up. He touches the water and for the first time, Jisung heard his voice. 

"The water was mixed with an Anti-stranger agent." He said in his soft voice.

"Our abilities will be nullified. Great." Jisung replied.

He punched the glass. It didn't budge. I calculated at least 30 punches to break at full strength with their super strength.

The water slowly carried us up. Jisung trembled. Jisung hated drowning.  And he saw my tears sprung up as he looked up on our only way out. The lab coats never helped us and just revived us right after we go to shock. They died multiple times, They don't how they do it. But it also has to have something to do with the thing they inject us with.

He wiped Jisung's tears with his wet hands and they stayed close holding each other's hands. Jisung will feel this drowning. 

They both started hammering the part of the glass with three, one-centimeter diameter holes with blistered and bloodied hands until it started to form cracks. But the water is faster than them and they were both submerged as we inhaled as much air as we can, they continued and of course, their strength combined is being toned down by the water. Now, he was healing but at a very slow pace. He can feel my knuckle bones shattering at each punch, desperately trying to get out.

Other times him being put in an iron maiden and they would measure how long he lasts underwater. Jisung hated it. His regeneration is way too quick for drowning.

He was once put on a test when he could still feel things and  was submerged in water, shackled, yet he didn't die since my cells regenerated too fast. Drowning over and over again for hours.

Jisung looked at him as his  breath started running out. His lung capacity is above normal. Yet, the glass isn't breaking anytime soon. Sharp pain from the water entering my nostrils made him panic. He was sinking.

"I'm scared." I sent a mental message and as the last air escaped my mouth, air bubbles floated up and water pierced pain in my head, then he pulled me in his mouth.

And I breathe. A few seconds of air is enough to get me back on my senses.

His eyes turned into a yellow reptile-like slit for a second and then to a blackened square pupil and narrowed to a blackened dilated pupil. He saw translucent scales forming beside his cheek.

As He got air, he fell into a rage and punched the glass with him still in my mouth and it broke while breaking our arm as well. We got up the surface and floated. Jisung latched on him crying and He heard him humming, rubbing Jisung's back as he kept us afloat, His neck has slits like shark gills. But Jisung couldn't care less. He was so scared and sobbed at him.

"District 9. Experiment #778325, subject 091400, and subject 102598. success."

"102598, anti-stranger agent percentage immunity confirmed."

"091400, anti-stranger agent submission confirmed."

"Status: Alive."

Jisung can faintly hear the lab coats talking behind the control room about what they're gonna do to him.

Min was immune to the anti-stranger matter and he has been keeping it a secret. Soon, They opened him up, dissected him like a frog, blood and brain fluid extractions, all that.

It became a catalyst for us to break out when he came back after weeks rocking back unresponsive except for the tears he would grant Jisung when he approaches him.



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