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Che mena dritto altrui per ogne calle
Così l'animo mio, ch'ancor fuggiva
Si volse a retro a rimirar lo passo
Che non lasciò già mai persona viva


how is it

He went back to the store after eating, but something's amiss. He proceeded normally but as soon as the clock has stricken its hands to 3. The world stopped like a glitch. Everything went frozen for a second and then resumed.

His manager raised his sleeves and started calling for him.

"Jisung, we're closed for today." Chan said, his familiar worried tone, set as a default. He rolled his sleeve up and strange markings that weren't there on a normal day are engraved on his arms and it's glowing white.


"Yes? Boss?" Jisung stuttered seeing the gleaming light patterns on his arms as he went close to me looking at me closely.

"Your eyes, did you get body modifications? And didn't tell me? It's purple?" He spoke.

Jisung lowered his head for his long bangs to cover my eyes and blinked twice. Everything is out of control and seeping. The conjuction was stronger thus time around. The eclipse will be the peak.

No sir, it's the mix of DNA in my body and yours too.

So, he thinks.

"What do you mean? Channie hyung?" Jisung denied and raised his head again quickly as If he just fixed the hair away from my face and let Chan see clearly.

"Oh, right! I thought It looked purple and cat-like. It looked pretty, by the way. You should get it done. it's not prohibited."

I smiled shyly.

"I knew something was off with me today."

"You need some rest, Hyung." Jisung snickers playfully.

"Let's hurry up. I gotta go home. I have to visit Felix in the hospital. A miracle on tonight's conjunction might happen and wake him up." He smiled bitterly as Felix is on life support in a coma.

Felix doesn't want to wake up, Hyung.

Just as he said wanting to go home. Chan fell unconscious on the floor. The snake earlier also bit him. Jisung rushed and grappled the snake, it wrapped around his  arms and he slammed it on the floor once, dead.


"They'll find you. You better stay hidden, Channie-Hyung." Jisung hurriedly picked Chan up and laid him on our desk, tapping his forehead, and the glowing patterns on the older's arms were dispelled, Jisung swiftly moved and cleaned to close the place up.

He called in for a cab slipping in his Channie hyung on the back seat and went on the front seat. He pulled his phone and sent him a message of "Thank for early closing today, take care boss."


"Baby, I'll meet you tonight. Let's drop of Chan properly, okay?"

Jisung said in a stone-cold voice, as he turned to the driver who has a muzzle, nodding a bit and is gasping heavily as he drove. His underlings are peskier than before. Bits and bits of his nemesis are slipping into common folk and made known to him that he is coming for him.

When they arrive the driver now looks more decent. His hair brushed back, he's actually an old man.

Unlike earlier whose saliva is dripping on his mouth and skin full of scales.

It's a good thing he still listens.

He went and knock on Channie-things residence and opened the door seeing there's no one responding. He don't know where his keys are and He was stuck on the main door.

Jisung sighed, this must be one of his worst days.

He placed the unconscious man in his bedroom on the second floor.

He left and the moment Jisung stepped out of their gate; I was almost hit by a speeding car.

fucking hell

He now started walking and went inside a certain shrine to find the family- The one He was supposed to eat with every year to complete the revival ritual. They received him well as always and let him help in cooking. They were nice and actually have shown him knowledge about souls, both dead and living.

The two sisters have been teasing all the time as he crack the eggs and put on the vegetables for the dish. Jisung left after and they all bowed down and the mom kissed my head and said goodbye.

He kept walking to find a vehicle but there's nothing. The sun has already set and I passed by a bridge. there he saw a little girl.
He didn't want to get mixed in stuff especially now of all times but as soon as he passed by the sidewalk the little girl leaning over the bridge turned to me and it looked like the doll.

It was the doll.

Black darkened eyes, Black thick liquid as tears, face and skin glass white, curly pigtail and the frilly dress.

Her face turned to Jisung, creaking.

Shit an erratic.

Jisung quickly lunged at her in a cat-like stance, leaping before she does, landing on her shoulders grabbing her neck, and snaps it. Her scream pierced his ears and her nails tugged on my arms as she started clawing. It's not a pretty sight. Her head dangling flimsily.

Jisung wanted it to be quick but she doesn't want to. He twisted her holding her flailing head like a screw. Her back and face both facing him and she started raising her hands upwards and backward, pointing at the building, breaking her bones in the process.


(•) erratic, an abnormal being, spirit or ghost, that has many forms and stick like a parasite. they are dangerous and lure people to die.

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