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The end is dawning
The sun is setting

on a silent mourning
Our stars aligning

as universes shatter time
I'm resisting reality

He wants me to die.

I want him to live.

He is death and I am life.

I looked at his yellow cat-like eyes, The sky turned grey blue, four am. I just hugged him for hours as he brushed my hair and we kissed on and on.

It's not enough.

Of course, we did some sensual things... funny, he's really like a bunny. We did it more than once in just an hour.



He asks me again to come with him. I frowned.

I know he's on the edge of throwing me down the building again.


"soonie, doongi, and dori still need their other dad. they might as well have their og dad back," I argued.

His shoulders dropped.


"You can't use them to me like that."

He threw a tantrum and rambled on and on.

He's now as talkative as ever.

I never let go of him, giving him the not-so-cold beverage from before. He drank it while we talked and kissed heartily, His mouth tasted of caffeine. We've gone for second rounds, the birds are already chirping this early morning and the moons already sank.

Once the sun rises. He'll be gone.

I smelled his hair. Kissed his lips, nose, and neck. Held his hands, touched his back, his face, memorizing every inch of his features as if I haven't already. Everything.

I frowned at the sky lighting up. I hated. it.

My smile curling upside-down.

"I love you from life. "

"I love you to death."

He sniffled, smiling, ruffling my hair and we buried our faces at each other.

I cried as if he's dying all over again on our bed.


We set District 9 ablaze.

All of it.

The plan was all created by us, carried out intricately and carefully.

We didn't save anyone else. Only the 8 of us. We took our files, knowing our full identities, the time we got in the district, and freed the repressed memories we had.

It was a success.

We thrived after escaping. The Government had nothing. Some of us disappeared to live a proper life, like me and Minho.

Chan too, while living a double life of managing an underground market on the purge of District 9's remnants along with Felix.

Hyunjin was their sniper. He didn't tell them, but he already saw himself die. He was sniped by the other sniper with a specialized bullet through the scope... Probably another one of us from a different district. He told me that at the third conjunction when he appeared to me all tiny and with wings, fluttering.

He died.

At that mission, he was with Felix. An anti-stranger agent hit them directly and regeneration became impossible. Felix inhaled a lot of the agent and was heavily injured. Minho is the only one immune to it.

The hospital found nothing strange with lix and is plugged in life support. I did a bit of making sure they found nothing.

Chan had asked Innie for assisted hypnosis, to vaguely remove the fragment and twist his memory about Hyunjin and Felix. I am in no position to stop him.

Chan is now clueless about his District 9 life. Our life behind the glass experimental cages. He then kept taking care of Felix and I continued to look out after them, took over his market and operations, alone.

Just as he once did for us.

Changbin went out of radar, literally.

I am seeing Hyunjin's fragment every conjunction as he was visiting; I don't know exactly how heaven and hell works but he seems fine. I have a bit of understanding as I started erasing existences like spirits and such. I can travel and felt dimensions linked with souls with other entities and timelines.

Sometimes getting mixed up in it, drove me nuts.

I'd jump in from one to another at first before, I finally managed to control it.

Wavelengths were my real specialty.

Innie inserted himself into the government and became a pillar in massive scale planning of advancement and fluctuations in the world.

Seungmin became a famous singer. He kept in contact as he pulled information on the entertainment industry side and feed pieces of information to Innie.

Minho was a shapeshifter. He used to like being a wolf and a cat. He liked felines. He can even talk to our 3 sons.

I now could due to vibrations.

He just goes on to this office like any normal would and I was working on that vinyl shop.

We lived together.

It's simple but enough.

We're content.

Hello stranger serum was a trial for the next generation militants of Miroh.

8 of us are the most viable hosts of the serum with 90% and above synchronicity, alterations and cell transformations.

I have the most coveted affinity and my blood and brain were their most prized possession, for me not feeling physical pain and has the most synchronicity with the serum.

Problems arose as we decided to never look  at District 9's files and research or keep it. We all trashed it on the fire to avoid future experimentation.

Minho's case.

His pain receptors and insula perceives pain twice or more than normal levels. That's why every test, he's on the verge of death, or he will come out of the resurrection chamber.

I put my everything to keep him in the way of harm.

When he turned 18, his cells rapidly deteriorate, I haven't developed my frequency allocation skills during the time. It took no time at all. He coughed up blood for three days, going into shocks and terrible pain for the next three, and he didn't wake up on the last day of the week.

And I wailed on his burial ground at the age of 16. I didn't even get a year of freedom spent with him.

No one in the hospitals can help him. Not even our combined knowledge. reverse engineering our types of blood.


I am now 25 years old. 10 years of wooing this man back, every year, during the day of the dead. I've tried everything. I can't step in hell or wherever he is now to get him. The alignment of the planets and the universe is my only way of taking his hand.

traveled near and far, raced with all the stars to bring him back and so did he, to bring me with him. It's all but one big subtle tragedy.

Only to get the same answer every single time as he disappears from my sight as the sleeping sun rose and shone upon us in both tears and smiles.



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