Ch. 3- Losing him

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The car screeched on the ground as it hurtled toward Lukas. Emil cried out to his brother and tired to run and save him but it was to late. Matthias grabbed Emil and pulled him back into his chest before he was hit him as well. He held him close watching the horror of Lukas getting hit.

Lukas was thrown across the road and a snapping sound could be heard as he made impact with the ground. The car didn't stop. It speed forward and rolled over him driving off.

Emil stared in horror and then raced to Lukas crying. He collapsed next to him and reached out and moved the now partly blood stained white-blond hair of his cheeks and his eyes. He removed his hair clip and wiped it off before gently putting the clip back.

Matthias walked over slowly still horrified by what happened. He couldn't believe his eyes. He though this day was going to be quiet and peaceful but no. He was going to tell Lukas he love him finally. Tears pricked in his eyes and he broke down sitting on the curb.

People gathered around and a few started helping with Lukas and the other two. The police and ambulance where called and where there as quickly as they could get there. Lukas was loaded into the ambulance Emil refusing to leave his brother side. Matthias got up and was confronted by police who offered to drive him to the hospital and question him when they got to the hospital.

~at the hospital~

To the two it seemed like forever until the doctor came. They had been questioned by police and called Tino and Berwald telling they what happened and they came almost immediately. The four sat there Tino comforting a crying Emil and Berwald trying to entertain Peter for the time being who had not idea what was going on. Matthias was in complete and udder shock at what had happened.

The doctor came back after a while looking grim and he walked up to the small group. Matthias almost jumped up at the sight wanting to know what was happening and how Lukas was.
"H-how is he?" he seemed to choke out
"Not good. We couldn't do much" the doctor paused scanning everyone's face. "We don't think he'll live for much longer"
Matthias stared heart broke, upset and angry. Tino looked down at Emil stroking the now sleeping boys hair.

Everything seemed wrong with the world and Matthias couldn't take it. The world had taken his only love, his best friend, his anchor to life.
"You can go see him and say your good byes" the doctor said breaking through everyone's train of though. Tino shifted and Berwald picked up Emil gently as to not wake him and the group walking to Lukas's room sitting in chair around the bed.

Everything was quiet save for the monitor hooked up to Lukas. No one said a word letting everything soak in as they watched their friend slowly slipping away.

God guys sorry for the long wait but I was focusing on school. Anyway this chapter was really hard to wright for me. I got emotional and felt like crying. Hope you guys like it and now summers coming up I'll try and update more but now promises. I have cons and friends to be at and with so ya. Enjoy yet another cliff hanger!

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