Ch. 6- Childhood

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Matthias watched the 4 year old boy as he went to play.

Knew instantly it was Lukas the platinum blond hair, violet eyes, the fair inscathed skin and a white cross clip in his hair. Matthias pulled out the gold one he used to wear and smiled a bit. Suddenly he world went black.

Matthias woke to the sound of crying. He shifted and groaned a bit before opening his eyes and looking to a 2 year old Lukas crying next to him.

There 6 year old blinked and moving sitting up pulling the Norwegian close. As he looked at the other side of the bed he noticed a half asleep 4 year old Berwald who looked up at the two yawning.

As the 2 sat and 1 lay there a soft glow of a candle came from the doorway. Their 'mothers' face was slightly illuminated by the the light and her eyes shined showing her kind and gental demeanor.

A teary eyed Lukas got up and stood on the bed reaching out for her.

"Mama" he whimpered as she came over and set the candle down. She picked Lukas up and cradled him in her arms as the Norwegian gripped onto her shirt tightly. 

She sat down on the bed and Matthias and Berwald came up on either side of her. Berwald leaned against her and started to fall asleep again while Matthias looked into Lukas' eyes. He then moved and climbed up into his mothers lap and took Lukas into his arms and onto his lap. 

Their mother smiled "I'm so glad you boys are getting along so well. I still remember when both you and Berwald where jealous of not being the baby anymore." she said and stroked Berwald's hair as he shifted finally asleep again. "Anyway you're going to meet your new baby brother tomorrow. I just found him while you 3 where sleeping" she said and Lukas looked up at her then frowned making Matthias giggle.

"Lukas doesn't like the sound of having a new baby brother" Matthias said looking up at their mother who laughed softly.

"That always the case with siblings. You always fight and say you hate each other in the beginning" she said gently ruffling Matthias' hair.

"But I love Lukas!" the 6 year old protested and moved gently kissing the 2 year olds cheek making him push his face away with his tiny hands tiredly.

Their mother moved gently and put the boys back into bed and tucked them in kissing them "Now get back to sleep we have a lot to do tomorrow" she said softly and with that she left the door.

Matthias held Lukas close as they slept and the two cuddled for the rest of the night until their mother came to wake them in the morning for breakfast. 

Matthias followed his mother into the kitchen yawning tiredly holding Lukas' hand guiding the younger who was just coming out of a half asleep state. Berwald was following then quietly and they all sat at the wooden table in the cold room as their mother started a fire then went to finish up breakfast for the 3. After a few more minutes and more time for the boys to wake up their mother came in and set down the food on the table.

"After you 3 eat you can go meet your new brother then do your chores." she said mostly to Matthias and Berwald with chores.

Lukas frowned but ate his food quietly then got down and snuck away upset over the new baby. It wasn't long before the others noticed and their mother sighed 

"Matthias, sweetie can you please got get Lukas?" she asked moving to clean up the dishes.

The Dane nodded and got up moving to go out

"Oh and be careful of the wolves. Some of them seem to be getting aggressive because of lack of food and will attack anything small that's alive" she said.

The Dane nodded again and left running quickly to find the Norwegian quickly as possible. He looked around and spotted tiny footprints imprinted in the snow peppering the ground. He follows them until the cut off next to the forest they lived next to.

Matthias whimpered a bit worried for the small child and looked around before running a way he thought the other one had gone.

Meanwhile Lukas had gone to his little secret clearing where he sat on a tree stump happily playing with fairies, tolls, imps, and other Scandinavian mythical creatures happily not aware what was happening anymore. 

Affer what seemed like hours of running Matthias spotted tiny foot prints again but then also what looked like freshly make wolf tracks which made him freak and run fast after the prints.

Once at the clearing Matthias saw a pack of scrawny looking wolves circling the small boy. Frantically Matthias looked around and picked up a rock and threw it at them.

"Hey over here!" he yelled and some turned growling at him. 

The first instinct was to run and that's exactly what Matthias did. He ran as fast as he could away from Lukas but only brand half of them. He kept running then circled around and ran back to Lukas after hearing the other scream in pain.

In the clearing Matthias froze. The Norwegian was pinned down on the ground class sunk into his flesh as he lay there crying and scared.

Matthias rage boiled up inside of him and he threw himself at the wolf in a blind rage (Now he might have been a 6 year old but he lived in the middle of nowhere and this is how he knew to protect people). Tackling the wolf off the boy Matthias punched it making it yelp in pain and others to come barreling toward him.

In the end it was hopeless to fight as they all tackled him and started clawing and biting at him. He screamed and struggled as blood pour out from his body. In the end he just passed out and lay motionless.


I may or may not continue this. We will see. Anyway so I put "their 'mother'" for a reason because it's supposed to be Scandinavia as a whole before it split up and their mother doesn't have a name that I know of. Also I used their human ages and Dane and Sve are 2 years apart, Sve and Nor are also 2 years and Same with Nor and Fin so ya. So here was Nor being jealous of baby Finny coming in. 

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