Ch.2 - Just a normal day

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Man I don't feel like this was written well like the last one but I guess it'll do... (-_-) Tell me what you think and I'll try to make the next one better and longer. I have an idea though so we'll see. *sigh* I'm scared about how you guys will like this. Please let me know.
Matthias looked around now noticing the soft glow of the clock making him give a sigh of relief. Getting up out of bed he quickly checked the time and got dressed for the day even though it was early for him.

He walked out into the hallway and looked at the 4 other doors each adorned with one of the 4 other Nordic flags. the Dane walked toward Lukas's old room for some reason he expected all of them to be gone living by themselves or with one another. He missed Lukas most of all but it seemed the Norwegian had his brother and was content with that. His hand hesitated over the door knob and he just let not even opening the door once as he went about making coffee and breakfast for himself quietly then went to watch TV while eating. He placed his feet up on the table and coffee mug next to him.

While watching sleeping he was smacked up side the head unexpectedly by someone walking by heading the the kitchen them selves
"Get you feet off the table" said a static voice and the Dane almost did dropped his food and pour his coffee all over him. He set his stuff down and scrambled over the couch falling onto his face in the progress before he got to the kitchen. Matthias looked into the kitchen to find a particular Norwegian in it.

He rubbed his eyes he blink then grinned brightly and tried sneaking up on him to give him a big bear hug. It worked. The Norwegian jumped in surprised and looked at him glaring some.

"Don't. Do. That," he said his troll glowing behind him.

Matthias let go and smiled at him "So what are you doing here?" he questioned happily watching as the other also got some breakfast.

Lukas looked at him "Did that fall mess your mind up? I started living here again week ago" he said walking past him to get the paper.

Matthias followed him chuckling a bit "Ooooooooh right now I remember" he lied not remembering that at all "So what about your brother? Emil is here right?"

"Ja he is. That fall messed up your mind" he muttered taking a sip of his coffee "He's been living here a week longer then me"

Matthias was quiet for a couple of minutes watching him as Lukas just brushed it off and went about his business reading the paper and eating. Matthias finally shrugged and went to take a shower.

He was so happy he had the other back now but also confused about why he couldn't remember anything past the point of waking up. In the end he brushed it off and thought just of how he had the one he secretly loved all these years back in his life he sighed happily as the water washed over him. A knock on the door brought him out of his day dream and he looked toward it.

"Come on and hurry up," said a voice from the other side

"Okay!" Matthias called back and finished up and came out once dressed

Lukas and Emil where waiting at the doorway for the Dane talking quietly with each other. Matthias came out and grabbed his jacket and pulled on his shoes before they all left. The Dane looked around wondering what they were doing at the moment. There was a small poke in his side and he looked at the one who did it smiling like always. Emil looked back as Lukas was walking ahead of them.

"So when are you going to make your move?" he asked a red vine hanging out of his mouth and his puffin sleeping on top of his head.

The other looked confused "What?"

Emil pointed to his brother who was far head of them now "You love him and he likes you. When are you going to make a move?"

Matthias blushed a bit "Well... Um... I'm not sure but I'll soon I guess." he ran a hand through his hair then looked at Emil "I guess I can try now or slowly lead up to it..." he ran off to the other

"Hej" he said happily throwing an arm around his shoulders almost carefully. "Are we just going on a walk or going some where" he questioned

Lukas looked up a him "Walking but we might stop at the store. We need more butter" he said and shoved his hand in his pockets starting to get a bit cold.

When the Dane noticed he enveloped him in a warm hug as they walked. The Norwegian didn't do anything for once and blushed a tiny bit. He waited a bit longer then finally pushed off Matthias and walked ahead to get his thoughts strait.

Lukas was far ahead of the others again and had just stepped onto the road when there was the loud sound of screeching coming strait toward him.

Yay another cliff hanger. I bet you can figure out what happens though... Maybe. Sorry if this was bad but I'll try to make the next one better and longer. Blame school. It's been really hectic and I can't update much. I'll try to get better with it but...idk. So ya please give feed back. Sorry! (T ^ T)

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