Ch. 1- Losing the War

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It seemed like a normal day. Snow blanketed the ground and trees, birds sung their little songs as the animals of the land went around with their lives minding their own busyness.

A certain Dane stood on on a hill watching as the boats on the shore leave his land. He was bloody, bruised, and injured all over as well as being emotionally hurt. He had just gone through a long war with Berwald, causing him to lose someone one dear to him.

He sighed looking at the ground then walked home slowly. He was tired and in pain but seemed numb from the cold and losing Lukas. He walked into the house and collapsed on a chair. Maid came up to help him trailed by Lukas's younger brother, Emil. He shooed away the maids and let Emil stay who was silent and watched him sitting down.

"I lost him" he muttered thinking about the Norwegian "And I even promised him that I would take care of him and protect him" tears came to his eyes the pain and guilt growing on him. The other was quiet taking in the information.

Matthias finally broke down crying

"Emil you already miss him don't you?" he asked the younger boy who nodded. He then nodded and got up to leave the other in peace. As he turned and walked away a single tear ran down his cheek.

Matthias thought more about how Lukas was taken away from him just because Berwald had won the damn war. But losing the war wasn't the biggest deal, it was that Lukas willingly left with the Swed. He closed his eyes and let sleep over take him.

He woke up with a jolt and looked around. He was at home in his bed. The room was dark and the house was quiet. It had all been a dream, reminding him about that dreadful day.... Or had he actually gone through it earlier that day?


H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3H3! T3r18l3 cl1f3 ♓️4ng3r f0r y0u. 1'll upd4t3 s00n3r 0r l4t3r. Of course I do not own Hetalia

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