Chp. 7- School Days

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Finally I update after forever. Chapter 8 should be coming soon though... hopefully

Light streamed into the window as curtains where pulled back. The person in the bed groaned and rolled over pulling his blankets over himself.

"Time to get up sleepy head~" a cheerful voice said as they pulled the blankets off the half awake form.

Lukas finally glared up at the Finnish man who was smiling down at him.

"Go away" he growled a bit and grabbed the covers pulling them back over himself.

"Come on Lukas. We have a lot to do today." Tino chirped "Remember you're try outs for the school orchestra are today. I bet you'll be in the top 5 maybe 3 like always" he smiled then left the room to make breakfast.

Lukas sighed and got up slowly after a few minute of lying there. He didn't bother dressing yet as he made his way down stairs to the two waiting for him. His coffee was already set out and he grabbed it sitting down. Emil glanced at him as he ate then looked at Tino who was cleaning up having eaten earlier.

"Why did we have to change schools? I liked where we were before" he complained

Tino looked back at him "Because it's a better school and it's a lot better for foreign students. We can learn more about other cultures there. Also I did a bit or research and the programs there are supposed to be really good"

"Why did you have to drag me along? I wanted to stay there" Emil frowned watching him still

"Because you're to young Emil. You can't live by yourself yet. You know Lukas is the reason we can live without grown ups." Tino said with a soft sigh as he turned back to clean.

Lukas just watched the two talk drinking his coffee and eating a bit before getting up and putting away his stuff. He left the two and went up stairs and dressed in nice slacks and a navy blue button up. He opened his violin case and tuned his violin before they had to go. He made sure everything was perfect then packed it all up and went to the living room.

Tino was just finishing his chores by feeding Emil's puffin knowing the Icelandic wouldn't in the end. They waited for Emil then went to their new school.

~time skip~

The three sat in the auditorium as people where called up one by one showing their skills to the conductor and others that ran the program.

Lukas' eyes where closed as he listened to the music he was going to play for them. He fixed an ear but in his ear and looked over his competition. He leaned back and yawned and kept listening quietly.

Finally when Tino nudged Lukas signalling it was his turn. Lukas turned off his music and got

When Lukas was called Tino nudged him and he got up and pulled out his headphones. He went up and handed them his music then set up the music for himself before pulling his violin out and moving. When they cued him to start he starred to play for them focusing on the song as he played not paying attention to anything else.

As this was going on two boys where walking down the hall to meet up with the new students and show them around before the school year started.

"You think they'll be cute?" one asked grinning as he looked over as his emotionless friend walking next to him. He shrugged and moved to open the door to the auditorium. As Lukas' music came drifting out Matthias hurried in and looked at the stage. He looked back to Berwald in awe and he just went to the new kids when he spotted them.

When Lukas was done Matthias bolted to him "Hej!" he smiled "I'm Matthias. I was send to show you around. Also your music was beautiful" he watched the Norwegian as he looked at him then walked passed and greeted Berwald.

Tino smiled at the two "I'm nice to meet you. I'm Tino, this is Emil and that's Lukas" he pointed to the two. "So you're here to show us around right?"

Matthias nodded and turned "Ja. Now follow me"

The rested of the day the group stayed in each others company and had a great time.

~Time Skip~

It was finally the first day of school and Lukas, Tino, and Emil got their schedule. They compared them then parted ways and headed to their respective classrooms.

Lukas looked around once he got in class and picked a seat. He noticed Matthias and Berwald in his class as the Dane walked over a big grin on his face.

"Hej," he said cheerfully "Cab I see your schedule?" he watched him. The Norwegian didn't move for a minute then handed it over to him.

Berwald walked over as Matthias read it over "We have a few classes with each other" thus made his grin wider as he handed it back and got up "Hope you're with Berwald to" he turned and went back to his seat. Berwald sat down in the Matthias had occupied.

Day passed which turned into weeks and the 5 became friends pretty quickly as well as crushes developed especially on Matthias' case.

One day at lunch Matthias was pulled to the side by his American friend.

"Hey you're coming to the party this weekend right?" Alfred looked at Matthias who nodded almost immediately

"Of course! I'm also bring the new kids" he looked at the 3 and Berwald. Alfred nodded in agreement at his desicion

"Good" he smiled then left.

Matthias went to the table "Clear your weekends because you guys are going to a party at Alfred's  house no exceptions or excuses" he gave them a serious look.

What no one knew was he was planing to get Lukas there. No matter what. He knew exactly what Alfred would do with everyone and more plans formed in his mind.

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