Where it started

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It was graduation day and Clara was about to walk across the stage. As this 17 year old girl with blonde hair and green eyes stared out into the crowd of proud parents she thought to herself 'Wow! This is it, I'm finally graduating. Everything is going to be much better from now on!' As the announcer called "Clara Benslen" she could hear the small section of her family members yell with enthusiasm. The only ones who showed were her parents, grandparents, and siblings. Clara had noticed that her dad's side of the family didn't seem very interested in coming around too often, and they proved it by not being there on her graduation day. With no time to think Clara began to walk forward watching the smiles on the faces of the administration just waiting to hand her the diploma and shake her hand. She was happy, her life was going the way she had planned. "I'm so proud of you, baby girl." Clara's mom exclaimed over the other adoring parents. "Thanks mom it means a lot." As her mom ushered her and her uncle to stand together for a picture Clara became bored. It was a natural reaction she had when it came to someone taking pictures of her, but she smiled anyway. After a few pictures the family was ready to go. About a half an hour went by before everyone made it home. Immediately as Clara and her family entered the house her father began yelling and screaming about being hungry. This was a normal thing for him. Clara's father was short tempered with no mercy or remorse, and as he yelled like a child throwing a tantrum Clara climbed the stairs to her room ready to throw on her PJ's and crawl into bed. 'You did good Clara, you did good.' She turned on her tv and fell asleep watching "Teen Titans Go!"


A couple weeks had went by since Clara's graduation, and she had been having terrible luck trying to find a job. Being that she was only 17 there was a limited amount of places she could apply to already, and with no work experience the limited amount became almost non-existent. "Hey Clara, why don't you just apply to the McDonald's over on the next block?" "I have applied, mom, multiple times and they don't call me back. Although, it would be nice if I had my own phone for them to call." "Don't worry beanie you'll get one soon." Weird nickname I know, but Clara's mom had called her that for most of her life. Clara had a best friend like most girls do, her name was Lina. Lina and Clara had been friends for 14 years, and continued to stay strong. The two girls looked for jobs together but neither girl had any luck. So they both decided to take a break for a while and focus on college applications. "Oh my goodness Clara! We are going to be college girls soon, isn't it exciting?!" Lina jumped up and down on Clara's bed until the girl in the floor motioned for her to sit down. "Yeah, I'm excited but I'm scared I won't pass the audition." Clara was a great singer and wanted to attend American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. The only thing standing in her way was the audition of a lifetime. "You'll do fine hun, don't let it get to you." Lina was about a foot shorter than Clara, but was older by two years. She had short black hair and wore glasses over her dark brown eyes. As the girls prepared and studied they eventually grew tired and went to bed.

Notes: Sorry for the short chapter this is just a way to get into the story with a good understanding later on.

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