Self image

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Clara had grown less scared and decided to tell Chris exactly how she felt. The best feeling in the world was when he said he shared the same feelings. Everything seemed to fall into place and she felt whole again. There was life behind her eyes and her heart wasn't in pieces. Life was finally giving Clara a break and she thanked God everyday for giving her what she wanted most. Clara was happy and everything around her was beautiful her life was no longer dull. Even though Clara couldn't have Chris because of the distance separating them she was still happy finally someone loved her. In the past things were hard for Clara. Her first boyfriend tried to cheat on her and called her ugly behind her back. The boy she gave her virginity to turned into an ass right after forcing Clara to end it. A guy Clara had liked and talked to for a while said they could date. Clara and him had sex, then he suddenly had a girlfriend. Clara tried casual, but needed the intimacy. Michael promised they could be friends, but never called her back. She never questioned it She knew why. Clara had so many physical flaws that it was hard to even get to know her personality. First and for most she was fat and it was hard to find someone who loved all of her. Then there was her crooked nose. Her nose had been broken playing Marco polo with some friends a few summers ago and it healed back crooked. Then there were her teeth, they were so jacked up her jaw sat crooked as well. Then were the parts most didn't see. Her stretch marks that were on her stomach, her arms, her thighs, her sides, and her breasts. Chris had seen all of her though and still loved her. Clara was still skeptical and expected things to go wrong like usual, but things seemed to stay the same even after her confession. Chris and Clara talked like normal, but Clara had started to sink low again. She lost her best friend of 15 years and it killed her inside, but still she wore a smile. Eventually, Chris was back to drooling over other girls. He started ignoring her messages and only messaged her if he needed something. Their friendship was killing her again. Chris would ask if she was okay, but instead of trying to comfort her he would leave in the middle of their conversation and wouldn't message back for days. Clara's heart was broken but the worst feeling was knowing this would happen and letting herself fall for him anyway. 'Stupid heart why do you have to love all of the wrong people?' Clara was back at the bottom and the only thing that kept going was her faith in Joey he has contradicted all of her beliefs he was a real person and an amazing friend. He eased the pain even just by listening. Clara felt okay, but she knew that it would hurt when it finally hits her. For now she lives in her falsely happy world she created in her head, and waits until it ends.

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