Is this real?

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Clara felt almost hopeless. She wasn't attending college, she worked with her moody dad, and she barely had a best friend. Things weren't turning out the way she planned and she was ready to give up. Clara was becoming lonely as well. She hadn't been with a guy in over a year and a half. Clara lost her virginity young at the age of 13. She didn't regret it and would never regret it, but she wished it could have been more special than what it was. She was in bed with her boyfriend of almost a year while his sister slept in the floor. They began kissing and eventually his hand explored her body making Clara excited. His lips travelled to her neck making it almost impossible for her to resist. Before she knew it her pants were down and he was on top of her. After that her boyfriend started acting like an asshole and joked about everything it hurt her and she ended it. She stayed single for five years, but only remained abstanant for three of those years. Anyway Clara had been meaning to have fun, so she turned to the internet. Clara signed up on this app called Hot or Not and she began checking out guys and having fun flirting. This went on for a while she would flirt, get them interested, get them wanting her, then make an excuse to leave. Hot or Not wasn't the only place she hunted she was also on a site called Meet Me. She met a guy named Michael on Hot or Not he was interesting and she enjoyed talking to him. They didn't flirt until about two hours into the conversation. He was only forty minutes away and said he would drive to pick her up. He was hot and she wanted to so she said yes. She was scared as could be and was about to trust a stranger but her heart was beating louder than her head. Forty minutes later Clara had got a text saying "I'm here" and immediately calmed. She went out the back door while everyone was asleep, and jumped the side of the front porch to walk down to the street to meet Michael. He was cute, but he didn't really talk much and had very little in common with Clara. They drove around for a while until they found a dark street where they parked and started making out. They climbed in the backseat and started getting more intimate. After it was over Clara felt empty she wanted more than a one night stand, but not with Michael. After he dropped her off at her grandmother's they never spoke again. Clara continued to mess with guys online, but never went out for another one night stand. She grew bored of the game though and was ready to delete her accounts. Until, she heard "ding" she opened her new message from a guy named Chris. He said "Omg I loooooooove your first name!" Clara was intrigued she had never got a message so unique. Guys usually just tried cheesy pick-up lines or were bold enough to just ask for sex. Some even offered to pay her or to smoke with her. Clara didn't smoke she couldn't even breathe the smoke without the feeling of suffocating, but she did drink occasionally. Chris and Clara talked on and off they began to have so much fun that they started talking on Facebook. After two months of talking everyday for 5-8 hours a day they became best friends Chris was gorgeous he was model material. His beautiful green-blue eyes we're hard to not get lost in. His smile could light the darkest of hearts he had Brown hair and stood 6'0" tall. Clara eventually started having feelings for him, but didn't say anything because he was way out of her league. For her though, being his friend was enough she felt important for the first time in a while. She seen a light in the dark that showed it an end to the sadness. She couldn't help but smile everytime she talked to him. He made her laugh and he was easy to talk to. Clara felt happy again and felt like she could escape her reality with him. If being his friend was all she could be she didn't mind it. He could hurt her a million times and she would find a way to forgive him just to hold on to him.

Note: Sorry for the chapter I'll make the next one really long!

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