Audition of a lifetime

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It was July now and Clara hadn't found a job, but she had received a couple hundred dollars from her graduation party that would last her a while. Summer was almost over and she was facing something that could make her or break her, she didn't know it yet. "Clara, it's time to get ready we have to leave in an hour." Clara's eyes fluttered open and she waved her mother away. She sat up in her bed rubbing her eyes and waking up. When she could bare to keep her eyes open she stared down at her best friend sleeping on the ottoman. The night before, her and Lina had had an argument about trust and advice. Clara wasn't sure how to feel, but she had no time to decide her nerves had already started to get the better of her. Lina didn't have much hair so she didn't need as much time as Clara to get ready. Clara gathered her things and sat in the floor in front of the bed straightening her hair and staring off into the distance. 'My heart is beating normal and my hands arnt shaking, but in my head I can't stop thinking. What If I fail? What do I do after? Do I even have a back-up plan? NO! Stop it Clara! You're going to do fine and you are going to make it!' Clara finished her thoughts as she finished getting ready. Her and the other girl made their way downstairs and out to the car where her mom had been waiting. "You ready beanie?" "As ready as I'll ever be mom." With that she started the car and drove off.


The three girls had arrived at the hotel downtown where auditions were being held. After about twenty minutes of driving around looking for a place to park they got lucky and found a parking garage right behind the hotel. The three girls made their way to the front lobby of the hotel where they were greeted with silence by the workers behind the front desk. There was three workers a male and two females one female walked off to busy herself elsewhere, while the other two workers answered phones. Ten minutes had gone by and Clara's mother grew impatient. "Um hello? Are you going to assist us? We are in a hurry." "Sorry ma'am, I'll be right with you." The male worker replied. Eventually after what seemed like forever, the man put down the phone and turned his attention to the three girls and a man with his daughter who had just walked in off the street. "What can I help you with, ma'am?" "My daughter is here for the audition." "Sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about." "The website with the time and date has this address on it." "Okay, but in telling you I don't know what you're talking about."


Clara had finally made it to the audition room after the mishap at the front desk. It turns out the sign pointing in the direction of the auditions had fallen over and was almost out of sight. Clara signed in and entered a room full of other hopefuls. There were dancers, singers, actors, and even students wanting to audition for more than one major. Clara sat patiently with her mother and Lina, until a man came into the room to show an introduction video to the hopefuls and their families. The video lasted all of five minutes and immediately following the video the man who had came in earlier returned to make some follow up remarks. "Mom he just asked all singers to go line up in the hall, and now I'm freaking out!" "Clara you may be nervous, but you'll never know if you don't try." With a sympathetic look on her face Clara's mother hugged the younger girl and sent her on her way. Once Clara made it out of the room all singers lined up in front of a room right next to the one they had just exited. Clara stared at her lyric sheet while half listening to instructions. When the man stopped talking one at a time each singer entered and exited the room in an average time of 3-5 minutes. Slowly Clara moved up in line until it was her turn. She entered the room and found a table at the far end. The table was empty, but to the right of the table was a Grand piano and a woman who sat at the piano. "Hello, I'm Karen and I will be the pianist accompanying you through your audition. May I have your lyric sheet?" Clara handed her the sheet of paper with the song and notes sprawled across it. "Ok I'm going to play you in, are you ready?" Clara nodded and closed her eyes to listen to the song as the intro began. The song Clara had chosen was called "Alma Del Core" it was a song she had sang once before in competition for her school choir ensemble. Clara had been voted best singer from her school; this led Clara to want to pursue a career in professional singing. As the song Played Clara cleared her throat and started on her cue. "Alma Del core spir tu del alma" there was a four second pause before Clara began again "Alma Del core spir tu del alma sempre costante ta dor re ro" Clara continued until the song had ended. "Well, young lady that was really good you will do just fine." "Thank you!" Clara replied as she grabbed her lyric sheet and turned to exit. Once back in the hall Clara had to line back up, but this time when she went in there would be a judge waiting with a camera to record her every move, her every word, her mistakes if any were made. About a half hour of waiting, again Clara faced the door and entered to see a man with Gray hair and glasses. At the piano sat the woman who had rehearsed with her. "Okay, are you ready." "As I'll ever be." Clara hesitantly replied to the man behind the camera. "And....go!" The first thing Clara went through was her song, and once it was finished it was time for her monologue. Everyone had to do a monologue with their main audition piece even those who were auditioning for dance. Clara had chosen "A Midsummer Nights' Dream" written by Shakespeare. Clara had always loved his works, and thought it would be fun to play a character in one of them. Clara began and acted with ease, but once she made it to the middle of the monologue she had forgotten her lines. "Oh my goodness I forgot. How could I have forgotten my lines?" Clara asked in confusion to noone in particular. "Okay, I'm going to stop the camera. Take this sheet to the desk out front for your interview." With heavy eyes Clara retrieved the paper from the man's hand and headed back into the hall. Clara was met by supportive hopefuls ready to enter the room after her. "Girl you did great!" "I messed up my monologue, but thank you and good luck." Clara put her head down and let it dangle off of her shoulders as she made her way to the desk where her interview would be conducted. After about ten minutes of questioning it was finally time for Clara to leave she was met at the exit door by her swooning fans. "You did great carebear!" Said Lina and Clara's mother followed in suit. "I've never been so proud of you." Clara smiled even though she wanted to cry, but it was in the judges hands now all she could do was wait.

Note: I promise things will pick up soon!

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