An act of kindness can become more

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It was now the year 2015 and Clara only grew more and more lifeless. She started to isolate herself and even talked to Chris less. Clara hadn't laughed much in a while and only smiled with Chris or around her family to hide the sadness that was evident on her face. Her mother had caught her off in a daze a few times. "Clara are you okay?" "Yeah mom, I'm fine." "Are your sure you look upset?" "I swear I'm fine mom." Clara would flash her mom a smile and swear she was just in deep thought. Clara was in need of a genuine laugh, so she headed to her grandma's house for YouTube. Clara had always loved watching two of her favorite YouTuber's. They were well-known and they never failed to make Clara laugh. She spent that night watching Shane Dawson and Joey Graceffa. "Wow, what I wouldn't give to know two people like that!" Clara would love to just know them and find out if they were really what they were on camera. Unfortunately, for Clara someone like her would never meet awesome people like them and she was too weary to care. Days went by and Clara didn't do anything. She layed in bed all the time just staring up at the sky through the window as it slowly moved. 'The is beautiful and is the one constant thing in my life. Even with it moving and the weather changing it would still be there.' Clara longed to have someone in her life like that. Someone that no matter what would always be there, but her faith had just about run out. "DING" Clara's phone had got a message from Facebook and it was from her cousin, Heaven. Heavens message read "Hey guess what?!?!" Clara was the type of person that if you asked her to guess she would come up with something crazy, but right now she didn't feel like it. "What is it?" "I FOUND JOEY GRACEFFAS AND SHANE DAWSONS PERSONAL FACEBOOKS!!!" "Seriously? Screenshot it for me!" Clara was a little excited, but she wasn't going to freak out. They were cool but they were YouTube celebrities, and that just made Clara feel intimidated. Heaven returned after five minutes and sent the pictures. "LOOK ITS THEM!" Clara typed in the names from the pages and sure enough it was them. The first post Clara saw on Joeys page was "Guys this is my personal account. I don't mind adding you, but don't go posting my name everywhere for people to see." Clara sent friend requests to both guys and almost instantly received a notification saying Joey had accepted. It took Shane about a day, but he accepted. Clara wasn't going to message neither guy she felt small compared to them. She was scared she wasn't good enough to just talk to them. Clara had no confidence in herself and being rejected again would literally kill her. It was hard for Clara to even like herself if no-one else could. Every time shes in the bathroom she always stops to look in the mirror. She would stare at her reflection and just pick apart her body calling herself every name she had ever been called. 'You're so ugly, fat, stupid, worthless. You make me sick and I wish you would just die already.' Clara couldn't take anymore and just decided to only Like and comment on their posts.


Clara's will lasted all of two days. Her heart was too big to ignore someone in pain. Joey had been feeling down, but noone knew why except him and his best friend Shane. Joey had posted out of the blue that he had been feeling drained and Clara couldn't help but worry for this poor guy. She had thought him too good for her and that he had a perfect life. In reality it was all a show put on for the camera. Clara felt terrible and wanted to try and cheer him up. Clara went to the internet and found memes on his favorite movie The Hunger Games. He seemed hesitant and responded with one to two words. Clara could feel she was bothering him and made the conversation quick. Another day passed and she could see Joey had only felt worst so she tried again, but this time she sent inspirational quotes. This time he sent four words. "Its not that easy." Clara's heart felt broken for the stranger she could see this pain was deeper than a surface crack. This pain went to his core and it was slowly bringing him down to where she was. She couldn't stand to see someone suffer she knew suffering and wanted to do everything she could to help this poor soul. "I know it's not that easy, but whatever you're going through you can't give up. You have to fight to survive you can beat this." It took a moment to respond but again it was four words. "You just don't understand." "You're right I don't understand I don't know what you're going through, and I'm not going to ask. I'm just saying that no matter what it is no matter how painful it is you can't give up." A moment later she could see he was typing and waited patiently. Before she knew it He had sent her a whole paragraph explaining what was wrong. As she read his words she grabbed her chest. She could feel sorrow and sympathy, but most dominant was pain. Clara did the best to comfort this aching man. She could see that he wasn't falling down to where she was, he was already there. They talked for a while and Clara kept trying her best to just ease his pain even if it was only slightly. Once they had finished the subject on his personal burdens Clara had felt like she over stayed her welcome and decided to go. "I'm sorry I can't do much to help, but I'm always here in you need to talk" "Okay, and thanks again." Clara thought about Joey hours after their conversation. She didn't think about what he told her or him specifically, but she thought about the fact that he told a complete stranger his secret. Clara became worried that he might be scared she would tell his secret and in order to ease his mind she decided it best that she tell him one of hers. She wanted to let Joey know by showing him he could trust her, so the next day she told him about her abusive father. Joey was sympathetic, but that's not what Clara wanted. She didn't want him to feel sorry for her just trusting of her. Little did they know that was the start to a long, beautiful, friendship.

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