Bakugo And Deku Saves A Pup

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Dabi laughed while Shigaraki squeals, Hawks looks Shigaraki and Dabi with pleasure in his eyes and mewls. "I know I'm just overprotective of my mate" Bakugo licks his cheek, Hawks panting heavily from climax and vomits in the toilet, "you ok" Dabi asked. Shigaraki purrs, Deku purrs and hears rustling. "Mhm" Hawks nods, Bakugo gets in front of Deku and growls protectively. Dabi and Shigaraki smiles, Deku looks around. A mother wolf limps to Bakugo and Deku carrying a newborn pup in her mouth, "Stay close to me" Bakugo goes over to her "Are you alright?". Deku hops over, the mother wolf gently laid her pup in front of Bakugo as her leg had a bullet and she looked like she might not make it.

"Shit Deku she has a pup" Bakugo said, "we could take her to a hospital" Deku says. The mother wolf shook her head knowing her time, "She doesn't want to WTF you mean no" Bakugo said. Deku starts crying "please for the pup", the mother wolf whines trying to tell them she wouldn't be able to go on much longer. "As Alpha I demand you live, please for the pup" Bakugo releases more soothing pheromones, he licks Deku's cheek, Deku cries. The mother wolf whines saying that's not how life works and starts laying down feeling tired, "It's ok take the pup the mother might not live any longer I'm sorry" Bakugo said. Deku gently picks the pup up "I wanna try", the mother wolf closed her eyes.

"You gonna try to heal her?" Bakugo said, "I don't know if I have that quirk" Deku cries and watched the mother wolf pass and cried loudly. "Shh it's ok did you get the pup" Bakugo tears rolling down his cheeks, "rest in peace miss" Deku sniffles and licks the pups head. The pup whines crawling to Deku, "Well take good care of him" Bakugo said. "is it a boy" Deku gently turns the pup over, the pup whines. "I'm just assuming but it smells like a boy" Bakugo said, "we need to name him" Deku turns the pup back over. The pup suckles of Deku, "Let's name him Amari it means miracle in English" Bakugo said. "ok Amari" Deku looks and lifts his leg, Amari was still suckling. Bakugo scents Amari, "what are you doing Kacchan" Deku asked.

Amari whines lifting his head, "I'm scenting the pup" Bakugo said. Deku nods "ok, lets go home and sleep", Amari whines. Bakugo releases soothing pheromones "It's ok Amari", "Wtf did we miss?!" Hawks said. Deku looks at them, Amari hides under Deku. Shigaraki and Dabi follows, "The pups mother died" Bakugo said. "Oh shoot" Hawks said, Deku licks Amari. Amari purrs, "poor pup" Dabi and Shigaraki says. Hawks whimpers and feels bad for the pup, Bakugo licks the pup as well "I wish we could adopt him". Dabi and Shigaraki whimpers, "you guys and be the uncles and aunt" Deku says. Amari purrs pawing Bakugo, Bakugo chuckles and licks the pup. "Where's the mother" Hawks asked, Deku looks down and points to the mother wolfs body.

Amari whines nibbling his nose, Shigaraki cried seeing the poor mother. Dabi held Shigaraki, Hawks uses his feathers and bring the Leaves to the mother and covers body and has tears rolling down his face then remember his mom "Frick!" curls up into a ball and sobs. Bakugo licks Amari's face, Dabi grabs a board and used his quirk to write rest in peace. Shigaraki hugs Hawks crying, Deku nuzzles Amari. Amari purrs, Hawks hugs back. Bakugo nuzzles Amari as well, "I'm going to kill whoever did this to her!" Hawks releases angry and sad pheromones. "I'll blast them all the way to hell and back then beat them and torture them over and over till they bleed to death" Bakugo smirks, Dabi got the bullet out of her leg "that must be better" he got up walks away before throwing up.

Amair nibbles on Bakugo, Deku giggles. "we don't know who did it" Shigaraki sniffles, Hawks rubs Dabi's back in slow circles, he has a scary thought "What if my dad did this" shaking from fear. Bakugo shifts to human form and holds the pup to his chest, Hawks walks away from the group and scream "FRICKING HELL! AHHHHHHHHH". Dabi and Shigaraki whines, Deku changed back to his human form and kissed Amari's head. Amari purrs, "I HATE HIM SO DAMN MUCH FRICK YOU DAD FRICK YOU AND YOUR STUPID OMEGA TRAFFICKING, FRICK EANDEOVR, FRICK ALEX,  FRICK EVERYONE WHO TRIED TO RAPED ME IN THE MOTHERFRICKING HERO ACADEMY" Hawks screams panting heavily and coughs up blood "FRICK EVERYONE WHO TRIED TO RAPE ME IN THE MOTHERFRICKING ACADEMY AND FRICK MY PARENTS WHO ABUSED ME FOR NO REASON I HATE THEM" Hawks said.

Dabi and Shigaraki ran to Hawks, Deku and Amari whimpers from the screaming. Hawk's sobs harder than he ever has, "Oh wow that was intense" he releases soothing pheromones "Your both ok I promise". "we should let Kei take a nap, later bro, Katsuki" Shigaraki says, Dabi picks Hawks up and went home with Shigaraki. Deku and Amari purrs, "Agree" Bakugo said. Hawk's grips Dabi's stomach carefully, "I'm tired" Deku says. Amari yawns, Shigaraki and Dabi continues walking home. "Let's go home" Bakugo said, Hawk's sniffles in sleep. "What happened to your car Dabi" Bakugo said. Deku nods, Amari whines hungry and starts trying to suckle from Bakugo. Dabi and Shigaraki got inside and laid Hawks down snuggling to him dozing off, "Do we have milk" Bakugo said.

Hawk's whimpers in sleep, Deku lifts his shirt "I'll feed him". Shigaraki and Dabi nuzzles him, Hawk's purrs. Shigaraki and Dabi purrs sleeping, Deku puts Amari to his chest. Amari suckles, "Poor pup" Bakugo said. Deku nods "lets go home and sleep", Amari dozes off sleeping. "Goodnight pup" Bakugo said, Bakugo blushes. Hawks whimpers, Deku smiles holding Amari still walking. Dabi and Shigaraki nuzzles him, Hawk's nuzzles them back. "Is the pup asleep Bakugo nuzzles Deku, Shigaraki and Dabi purrs sleeping. Deku nods showing him "he's still a newborn", "I know I'm just worried for Amari" Bakugo said. Hawks purrs sleeping, Deku nods. Shigaraki and Dabi sleeps, Bakugo scents the pup.

"didn't you do that already" Deku asked getting his keys and unlocking the door opening it, "I'm overprotective ok" Bakugo pouts. Deku smiles "that's a good thing to be protective", Bakugo releases happy pheromones. Deku purrs and walks to bed, Bakugo growls softly. Deku shook his hips while walking to their bedroom, Bakugo licks his tail and unzips Deku's pants and sticks a finger in his ass "Never do that again". Deku gasped moaning "I'm holding Amari", Bakugo takes the pup and put him in nest "Now you've been a Bad bunny~ swaying your hips in front of your Alpha like that" he grabs the condom and lube and puts the condom on him and puts the lube on his hands then sticks another finger in his ass.

Deku gasped moaning louder, "Are you sorry for seducing your Alpha bunny~" Bakugo sticks a third finger in his ass. Deku nods moaning "everyone says my hips sway when I walk", Bakugo pins him on the bed and sticks his member in Deku's ass slowly "I'm going to make sure you can't walk for a week or maybe a month" he thrust slowly. Bakugo thrusting faster than before, Deku screams out arching. "You gonna cum yet~" Bakugo asked, Deku whines nodding and came hard. Bakugo licks the cum "You taste sweet~", Deku felt his body twitch from the pleasure. Bakugo licks the shaft, Deku whines moaning. Bakugo kisses his neck, Deku moans as his mind felt completely blank.

Bakugo thrusting faster than before, Deku screams out words like a slut. Bakugo cums into Deku, Deku cries out coming. Bakugo panting, Hawks blushes a deeper red, he gets up and goes to the bathroom and strokes his member "Ahh~ Faster~", Shigaraki whines waking up and goes to the bathroom opening the door. "Ahh~ faster~" Hawks rubs his shaft "Ahh~ Daddy faster~", Shigaraki blushes "Kei". Hawks stops "It not what it looks like" he blushes very hard, "well I need help after your show" Shigaraki gently pushed Hawks on the toilet and sat on his lap "you wont mind, would you". Hawks blushes very hard "No I don't mind", Shigaraki slips the panties off and pushed both of Hawks member in his ass and moans loudly.

"Ahh~ babyboy~" Hawks moaned, Shigaraki bounced on him. "Ahh~ I'm gonna cum~" Hawks moaned, Shigaraki bounce harder. Hawk's cums panting heavily from climax, Hawk's falls asleep in Shigaraki lap, Shigaraki got off Hawks moaning and took them to bed and went back to sleep. Hawks whimpers in sleep, Shigaraki rubs his belly. Hawk's calms down, Shigaraki sleeps. Hawk's snuggles closer to Shigaraki.

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