Chapter Three- Changes.

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~Tinley's point of view~

Vance ended up sleeping on my couch Friday night. He went with me to get Nick's truck and pick up Tandy; then we went to his house for him to shower and change clothes. We spent hours getting everything she would need. I go what I knew she would need and what I wanted her to have. I may not get to keep her, but I want her to have everything she may need in the two months I do have her.

Saturday, she slept in my bed with me again. By the time we got done shopping, it was time to go to work. While we were out, we bought a cart to transport the supplies from the building to the tent since we now have a baby in the mix now. I did get her things specifically for the track. Things that I could leave there. I got her formula, bottles, the bottle warmer I needed, and a bassinette for my office.

I bought a rack for my office to put all of her stuff on. I want to be prepared for any and everything that could happen. Vance didn't offer up ideas or pick anything out. He observed and made notes on his phone; I don't ask to see them. I'll find out when we go back to court. I can say he has been amazing through it all. If we weren't in the situation we are in, I wouldn't be against a relationship with him. I know he doesn't see me like that. I do find him sexy as hell.

Sunday, he insisted that Tandy, Eloise, and I all go out to breakfast. He then called and said we couldn't come home. So, we ended up at Tandy and Nicks. We all went to the track together when it was time. Eloise came on her own Saturday and Sunday we all went together. Tandy rode home Sunday night with Nick. Eloise and I drove back in my car. Vance had brought his car and met us at my house. I thought he would have gone home after. When we got there, he led us in the house and to the room next to mine, where I said I wanted the nursery. I was shocked when I opened the door.

 I was shocked when I opened the door

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He did a great job in her room. I felt bad because he is just her social worker, but he did her room. I enjoy spending time with him. We talk about everything. I wonder why he is single because he is a really good guy. Any girl would be lucky to have him. I know that he is single because I asked him why he would be ok with people thinking we were together. He said because he has no one to answer to but himself.

Most of the employees at the office have gotten used to having Zoey there. No one questioned where she came from or who Vance is. Tandy did get her headphones. They are mini mouse headphones. Overall she is a good baby and very easy to love. If something happens and I don't get to keep her, or Patrick Blaine takes her, it will break my heart.

It's been a full week since I have gotten her. Just a week, and I can't picture my life without her. I know Nick and Tandy love her too. Nick comes and takes her from my office whenever he wants. Vance normally stays with me and lets him have his time. Nick and Tandy have been trying for a while to have a child, and they haven't been successful. They have both been tested, and they are fine. They just struggle.

Vance offered to help them with the adoption process if they wanted to try that. I think they may do it. They see how much I love Zoey, and she isn't mine. They know how much they love her. They know that they can now love a child even it's not their child. Patrick Blaine still runs his mouth, but he hasn't put his hands on me again. I don't respond when he starts in now. I have too much to lose to react to him. His daughter is the main thing.

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