Chapter Ten- Happy endings.

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~Tinley's Point of view~

~Six months later~

The last six months have been incredible. Life before the partner swap was amazing. It's beyond incredible now; magical isn't even a strong enough word. There is no word or words that can describe the way our lives have been.

We had a small party for Zoey's first birthday. Outside of our family and Nicks, a few outsiders came. Eloise's partner and his spouse came with their kids, Vivian and Patty came. Vance's parents came. We were all shocked they came. They made it clear they weren't happy with the way we lived.

No one understands that we are two separate couples just raising children together. Once they realize that is all it is, they relax. Vance's parents took longer than anyone else. They only gave in when Vivian admitted she and Patty were married. That took the heat off us.

They did give Eloise a hard time because they assumed she was with Vance for money. She and Patrick Blaine have both been accused of that. People in Vance's life latched on that and ran with it. It got even worse when Vance made her quit her job. The men want us both home raising kids.

People who see Patrick Blaine and I together assume because that he is with me for my money. They don't know us. They don't know our story and what we had to go through to get to where we are. Our love is strong and solid. I stop short of telling people how amazing our sex life is.

We don't do anything separately but sleep and sex. We do everything as a family. It wasn't unusual for both men to propose at the same time and have a double wedding. We got married two months ago; we had it in our backyard. Bruce's husband officiated.

All of that had to happen for us to be where we are right here right now. We sat down with Nick because our house was no longer working for us. Nick bought the house next door to be close to us. We felt bad knowing we would have to move. Nick gave us a better idea.

He and Tandy had already talked about building a home where they had their double-wide. They own five acres. The land next to theirs went up for sale. It was ten acres. So, we sat down and talked. The four of us bought the land next to them. Well, Vance and I split the cost for it, but it's in all four of our names. Five of our ten acres were clear. We are in the process of having the other five cleared.

Nick and Tandy donated their double-wide and had all five acres cleared. They had two cleared but needed the other three done. We all sat down with builders and had them come up with builds based on our needs. Nick and Tandy have their girls, and we have Zoey and Dominic. The builds will start next month for all of us.

Eloise: "I can't believe this is happening."

Tinley: "I can. Everything else has happened together."

Eloise: "This though..."

Tinley: "Is how it is supposed to be."

Vance: "We all know not to question things that happen."

Patrick Blaine: "Right. Shit has never been normal for the four of us. Why would this be any different?"

A knock comes on the door, and Patty walks in.

Patty: "I have the results."

Patty is OB/GYN. We both found out we were pregnant the day we got married. We both thought we had gotten food poisoning because we ate the same thing the night before, and both woke up puking.

Patty pulled us aside and told us to come to her office when we could. So we did. We both found out we were pregnant. I am due two weeks before Eloise. Patty is our doctor; we have been coming to our appointments together. The men don't have the option of coming to every appointment.

They both put in to have today off. Patty did our ultrasounds two weeks ago. We asked her to hold the gender reveal until we could all be there to hear it. We did play the DVD she gave us for them. None of us knew what to look for. So here we are.

Vivian: "Are you excited?"

Vance: "Technically, all of this is your fault."

We all wanted Vivian to be a part of this. We all know she had a strong influence on this. She pushed Vance and me together. We needed that push to make all of this the way it is. She also solidified it by making Vance and Eloise Dominic's parents.

Vivian: "I don't regret it. You needed this."

Vance: "We all did."

Vivian: "Just for the record, I had nothing to do with Tinley and Eloise being pregnant. You four did that all on your own."

Patrick Blaine: "I'm all about making more."

Vance: "Me too."

Patty: "Y'all will be paying my salary if y'all keep on."

Tinley: "Leave it up to them, and Eloise and I would be barefoot and pregnant all the time."

Eloise: "Right. We have our hands full now."

Vivian: "Y'all can handle it."

Tinley: "You and Patty have a couple and tell us how you feel."

Vivian: "No, thank you."

Patty: "Are you guys ready?"

Vance: "Yes!"

Tinley: "Yes!"

Patrick Blaine: "Yes!"

Eloise: "Yes!"

We all say at the same time. Zoey had crawled off my lap and went and sat down next to Dominic in his seat on the floor.

Patty: "Ok, I am going to press play. On the left is Patrick Blaine and Tinley. The right is Vance and Eloise."

The screen starts moving. Our eyes are glued to it; Patrick Blaine grabs my hand. Immediately see what our baby is. I wait to see if Eloise and Vance figure theirs out. I saw theirs too. I'm so excited.

Eloise: "Oh my."

Vance: "Is that what I think it is?"

Patty: "What do the four of you see?"

Vance: "Penis."

Patrick Blaine: "Penis."

They say it at the same time, causing Eloise and I both to burst out laughing.

Patty: "Congratulations, you are both having boys!"

Having these babies brings it full circle for us. I am excited to see where our futures go from here. I know that it will be filled with happiness and love. 

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