Chapter Six- Deep conversations.

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~Patrick Blaine's point of view~

It's been two weeks since shit went down with Archibald. He was arrested on two counts of manslaughter. Still, with his age, he will die in prison. From Vance's people on the inside, he is planning to plead guilty. I'm pretty sure he knows Nick, and I won't take his shit anymore. His gravy train is fresh out of gravy. We both have lives that we need to live. Lives that no longer include allowing him to hold anything over us.

It's crazy what two weeks can do to someone. I know my life has changed drastically. Everything I do involves my daughter and Tinley. Tinley and I have grown leaps and bounds. She didn't need to grow; I did. She is the same person she was. I was too stupid to see how amazing she truly is. We are now friends. Something I never thought I would say. Being a dad is something I never thought would happen for me.

Vance and I get along exceptionally well. I know most people probably wouldn't in the situation we are in, but he has never been rude to me, and I have never been rude to him. Well, not since the beginning. We are also bonded by something even deeper now. If something ever happened with him and Tinley or between Tinley and me, we would still be friends. I think that goes for all of us. Vance isn't going anywhere. Neither is Eloise, for that matter; she and Tinley are incredibly close.

Life has just been different. I never pictured my life ever being like this. I will never complain about anything. Tinley loves having Nick next door. When she gets tired of me, she goes to them or Eloise. Same for me. We don't argue or fight. Just if we need a break, we go to their house. Most of the time, when she needs a break, it is when she and I are alone with Zoey. We will be fine; then, she will randomly say she needs a break and leaves. She has no choice but to go to Nick. Eloise works during the day.

I don't take anything for granted. I know me, I know my life. I know I can fuck things up in a matter of seconds. I know my limits, and I don't push boundaries. I have no need to. I am in a good headspace, and my heart is working in a way I never thought it could. It scared me at; first I tried to shut it down. Every time I look at Zoey or hold her, my heart can't handle it. I let it swoon.

We are at the office right now. I love my job. I always have; I do the marketing for the track. I don't have a degree, and I didn't go to college. Nick knew that, but he didn't care. I am very good at details. I know what to do to get people's ass's in seats. I am also very good at designing things. It all just comes so naturally to me. Nick noticed and asked me to do the marketing. I have been here since I turned eighteen.

A knock comes on my door.

Patrick Blaine: "Come in."

My door opens, and Nick sticks his head in. I was hoping it was Tinley with Zoey.

Nick: "Come to my office for a minute."

Something isn't right. Nick seems off a little; I've not done anything wrong. Not that I know of. My nerves are now on edge. When your boss is your big brother, it is a crapshoot of what he wants. It could be something personal or something work-related. I just follow him to his office and take the same seat I always do.

Patrick Blane: "What's up?"

Nick: "You know everything is clear now, right?"

Patrick Blaine: "What are you talking about?"

Nick: "With Archibald. He isn't a threat anymore."

Patrick Blaine: "I know."

Nick: "Don't you think maybe it's time to move out of Tinley's house?"

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