Chapter 2

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After getting sucked into the glowing circle, we all dove in a sort of tunnel. Shrinking and going into cells and stuff. We went through another tunnel and very soon it all went black.

We landed in an alley, what seemed to be New York City from what I could remember from when I was in this part of New York because Alex, Sean, Raven and I went on a New York roadtrip.

It was a real mess. Cars tumbled, buildings ruined. I wondered how why they did that. We once defeated multiple people and left almost no mess. Even in training with big armies like that, we left almost no serious damage.

Bruce, Scott, Tony and Steve's suit all disappeared, revealing other clothes under it that matched the 2012 aesthetic.

When my suit got off, I was in a old black widow suit who I got to wear in case for protection, Scott shrinked my x-suit with a kind of disk, it was safely stored in my pocket.

'All right, we all have our assignments.' Steve said. 'Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock.'

We all heard a thud after Steve finished his lecture. We turned around and saw Bruce- or the hulk over-smashing a robot with a car.

I looked at Bruce, who looked away in embarrassment.

'Maybe smash a few things along the way.' He said to Bruce.

'I think it's gratuitous, but whatever.' He said as he ripped his shirt off, revealing his bare chest. He roared softly, to really get into his old skin again.

'Diana, you go with Bruce, stay low, we don't want anyone to see you.' Steve commanded.

I nodded as I slowly walked behind Bruce, trying to not get caught by Bruce, since he didn't know I was going with him.

Moments later I climbed on a roof, the roof that Bruce just jumped on to meet with the current owner of the Time-Stone, the stone I also wanted. Bruce didn't noticed the owner standing right behind him, he wanted to go inside the building but the owner stopped him.

'I'd be careful going that way.' She calmly said 'We just had the floors waxed.'
Bruce looked up and walked to the woman.
'Yeah, I'm looking for Doctor Strange.'
The woman got a sad look in her eyes from the mention of that name, she was also a bit surprised.

'You're about five years too early.' The woman replied. 'Stephen Strange is currently performing surgery about 20 blocks that way.' The said as she pointed her fingers at the direction. 'What do you want from him?'

Bruce noticed a familiar necklace in the woman's neck. 'That actually.' He said as he pinnted to the necklace.

The woman instantly looked down. 'Ah!' She said with surpirse in her voice. 'I'm afraid not.' She decided.
'Sorry, but I wasn't asking.' Bruce said as he walked closer to the woman.
'You don't want to do this.' The woman said, standing calm on her feet.
'Ah, you're right, i don't.' Bruce agreed. 'But I need that stone and I don't have time to debate it.' He said as he tried to grab the necklace from the woman's neck. But instead, the woman pushed the green beast back, revealing his true form, a small and soft looking doctor.
Bruce looked surpised at the moment.

'Let's start over, shall we?' The woman politely asked. 'You can come out now.' The owner of the Stone said, kneeing that I was there.

With a sigh I came out of my hiding spot, Bruce looked even more surprised when he saw me.

'You are not here for the Stone, are you?' She asked in a sweet voice.
Is slowly nodded. 'You got me.' I jokingly said.

After laying the hulk on a chair, the acient one (that what we had to call her) explained in a long lecture on why it wasn't good for us to have the time stone.

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