Chapter 5

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'Peter, thank you very, very much.' Charles thanked him as he shook Peters hand. 'You take care.'

Me, Charles and Hank were outside, thanking Peter before going into the plane and going to Paris.

I was happy to go to Paris, not only because of Raven but because I needed to literally find myself. The theory is, that if you time travel, and find yourself, your time travel self will go to dust and your consciousness would be transferred to your then self. I would pretty much look the same because I basically stopped aging at the raw age of 27. I also didn't know if this theory would be true, but on my way to the plane, I used Rita's ability to know answers for everything and their ability said that my theory was correct, so that's good.

'Hey, I saw your flight plan in the cockpit.' Peter said 'Why are you going to Paris?'

Charles and Hank glanced at each other.

'Business.' Charles replied as he threw the keys of the car at Peter. 'Do me a favor and return it for me.' He ordered
'And, Peter? Take it slow.'

Peter chuckled as Charles and Hank stepped into the plane.

Before I went into the plane, Peter stopped me.

'Are you sure you don't wanna-?' He tried.
I sighed. 'No, Peter.' I said, shaking my head.

'Come on! Why not?'

'I already have someone.' I mumbled loud enough for Peter to hear it as I stepped into the plane.

'Diana.' Erik coldly greeted as I walked onboard on the plane.

'Erik.' I coldly greeted back.

I knew I was lying when I said that I wasn't happy to see him, but still, he did paralyze and abandon Charles, Hank, me, Alex and Sean. It was a long time that I had seen this Erik again, he wasn't changed much, his power levels were still the same and he looks exactly like he did 10 years from 1970s.

'Did you get that at a party shop?' He asked, referencing to the suit I was wearing. Just after I got in the plane, I quickly changed clothes because the black widow suit was pretty comfortable. Well at least, more comfortable than that soaking wet pencil skirt and that awful pink blazer jacket.

'No, actually.' I said, sarcastically smiling. 'I got it from some friends.'

Erik frowned.

'What?' I asked. 'Shocked that I got friends?'

Erik shook his head and looked down. 'No, I just find it a bit hideous.'

'Exactly the look I was going for.' I joked back.
'From whom did you get it again?'
'They don't make costumes with capes, Erik.' I spat back.

'I am just wondering where you got that whole new look.'
'After 10 years, a lot can change but whatever, before I was here to save us all, I was in another universe, saving them all, they gave me 2 suits as a gift and a way back here.' I explained.
'Where is the second suit?' Erik asked.

Knowing that it wasn't a good idea to tell Erik about the suit that shrinks and grows, I decided to stay calm and somewhat silent. 'It's defect.'

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