Chapter 4

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'We can deal with them later, first we need to find Raven and stop her.'

'I'll help you get her.' Charles said as we both walked into his office where Logan and Hank were standing. 'Not for any of your... future shite, but for her.' He said, meaning Raven when he said 'her'

'Fair enough.' Logan agreed.

'But I'll tell you this- you don't know Erik. That man is a monster, a murderer. You think you can convince Raven to change? To come home? That's splendid. But what makes you think you can change him?' Charles added.

'Because you and Erik sent me here together.' Logan responded.

Charles was rather... shocked. Not knowing what to say.
I was fighting my urge to tell him exactly what happened in that other reality with him and Erik, but decided to stay silent.


'The room they're holding him in was built during the Second World War when there was a shortage of steel. So the foundation is pure concrete and sand, no metal.' Hank explained the building of the jail Erik was in.

'He's being held a hundred floors beneath the most heavily guarded building on the planet.' Charles calmly added.

'Why is he in there?' I curiously asked.

Charles looked up. 'What, he forgot to mention? Did you forget?' He said as he wheezed.
'Uh, JFK.' Hank replied.
A laugh escaped my mouth. 'What?'
'He killed...?' Logan said in shock.

'What else explains a bullet miracously carving though the air?' Charles said as he laughed. 'Erik's always had a way with guns. You sure you want to carry on with this?'

'This is your plan, not mine.' Logan responded.

'Well, we don't have any resources to get us in.' Hank said.
'Or out.' Charles added 'it's just me and Hank.'

Logan was reminded of something... or someone. 'I know a guy.'

Charles glanced at Logan as if he was crazy.

'Yeah, he'd be a young man now.' Logan explained further. 'Grew up outside of DC.' He chuckled. 'He could get into anywhere. I just don't know how the hell we're gonna find him.'

Hank glanced at Charles. I knew exactly what he was going to say. 'Is Cerebro out of the question?' Hank asked.

Charles glanced at Hank, clearly not wanting to do it.

'We have a phone book.' Hank said in response to Charles reaction.

Logan nodded and Hank grabbed a phone book out of the bookshelf.

Minutes later we had an address and went on a little road trip to find the boy Logan was taking about.

'So, Hank. How are you doing?' I asked to break the silence.
Hank cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable.

Charles was behind the wheel, I didn't find it a good idea but he insisted, so Hank was beside him if anything went wrong last minute. Logan and me sat in the back, Logan, refusing at first to sit next to me, shifting back and forth so he could carefully give directions.

'Uh- I am great. How about you?'

'You know. Great to be back. Found out a couple days before this that a multiverse exists.' I answered 'Speaking of that, remember when you and me were in the lab and you told me all about sorcerer's and wizards's and multiverse? I met a sorcerer in the multiverse.'

'Great.' Hank replied.

'What are you talking about?' Logan asked, clearly being annoyed.

'Before I was here, I was in another universe. It was... interesting.'

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