Chapter 9

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I walked to Hank's lab, were he was obviously sitting, observing the serum.

5 years. It was been 5 years since the Raven issue and we haven't heard a single thing from either Raven or Erik.

'Hey Hank, how's the serum doing?' I asked.

'This is extraordinary.' He said, not looking up from his microscope. 'The monocles constantly change sized so it's very hard to recreate.'

'How much?'
'How much, what?'
'Time, how longer is it going to take.'

'At least 6 or 7 years.'
I sighed 'make it five.' I ordered as I walked out of the lab.

While I was walking through the huge house, the doorbell rang. Expecting that Charles took it, I walked to the kitchen, making myself a drink and sandwich.

'Diana.' Charles called out using a voice inside my head.
'What.' I responded, out loud.
'Come to the main entrance.'

I sighed as I quickly ate my sandwich and walked to the door.

I saw Charles talking with some... man.

'Hello.' I said, trying to not interrupt the conversation between Charles and the man.

'Diana?' Charles asked to get my attention. 'This is Doctor Steven Strange.'

My eyes widened at the mention of the name. In years I hadn't heard that name.

'Diana... we need to talk.' Strange said as he walked in.

Minutes later we sat down, in the kitchen, with a cup of tea.

'I want to show you something.' Strange said, touching my forehead and letting me slowly drift to a sleep. I couldn't protest, that man was a wizard.

I slowly opened my eyes, I was somewhere I definitely didn't belong.

I looked around and saw gravestones, many gravestones.

Anthony Edward Stark

Robert Bruce Banner

Natalia Alianovna Romanova

James Buchanan Barnes

Steven Grant Rogers

Thor Odinson

The Vision

Wanda Marya Maximoff

My eyes widened. Wait, Maximoff.

Like Peter Maximoff?

Peter doesn't have a sister named Wanda, right?

'No, he doesn't. At least not in your reality.' A voice behind me said. I quickly turned around, finding a man with a cloak standing behind me.

'What happened?' I asked.

'Thanos, he won. Killed them first, then snapped, destroying the stones.' Strange said. I glanced into his eyes, I felt his power level, he was even more powerful than the acient one.

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