Chapter 13

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'Oh my God, why did his hair have to go?'

'Let's go.' Hank commanded when we were all on the plane.

'Locked on.' Hank announced, pulling some levers
'Here we go.' Moira confirmed.

I was slipping in and out of consciousness, feeling dizzy and nauseous from the blood loss. It had been hours since I was shot and it was honestly impressive that I was still alive.

Warmth on my skin, screaming people. Jean grabbing my arm and laying it on something and lastly feeling soft material beneath me before I passed out.

I woke up sooner than I expected.



'How are you doing?'
'Not very good at the moment.'

'I wasn't asking about you, I was asking about the battle.'

'Don't you have something better to do, like saving your universe?' I replied.


'Oh, well, Okay. But I don't really know about the battle. See, I am dying over there.' I said, gesturing to above, meaning the overworld.
'I see.' He replied, not much emotion in his voice.

'And how are you doing?' I asked in reply

'We lost... again. I am getting really tired of it.'

'I mean if you just teleport Thanos out of my reality, that could help.'
'Don't you think I would've done that if your reality wasn't protected by some sort of border?'


'Yes. For some reason there is a border of protection around your reality that I can't break.'

'So what your saying is that if I break the border...'

'You could travel realities. Yes, indeed. But first you have to find a way to break the border.'
'But how is it that you're talking to me if you can't enter my reality?'

He sighed. 'Because your brain is linked to both realities, that resulted itself into a crack in the wall between realities.'

'So if I made the crack bigger-'

'Yes, you could go to my reality. But in both ways, you need to find a way to do it. That's why I gave you the reality stone, that would do it.'

'No problem, now wake me up.'
'I can't.'

'Because you're dying.'

'Can't you just like heal me?' I questioned now way too desperate to think for myself.


I sighed, having no more ideas whatsoever. 'Okay, can I at least watch the fight? With like popcorn or something?'

Let's just say that I was very happy when Erik protected Charles with metal items and that I shouted of joy when Storm turned her way to us and worked together with all of them to shoot their mutations onto Thanos. I gasped when Jean decided to let go.

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